Chapter 16

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Natsuya and y/n were walking to the train station in order to get to  y/n's apartment.
"I'm so sleepppyyyy" y/n told Natsuya as she whined. Natsuya started to chuckle as he rubbed y/n's back with his hand. "It's barely 5 PM" y/n then rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. "You know I get tired easily besides today's class was so long." Y/n told Natsuya as she smiled at him. Natsuya couldn't help but think that y/n looked cute while she was sleepy. "When we get to your apartment we could take a nap if you want?" Natsuya asked y/n as he smiled softly at her. Y/n nodded as she they arrived at the train station.
—————————Timeskip in the train————

Natsuya and y/n sat on their seats waiting for everyone to get in so that they can finally get home. Natsuya noticed that y/n's head kept bobbing sideways as she was falling asleep. He couldn't help but smile at y/n's cuteness. Natsuya moved closer to y/n and put her head on his shoulder. "Take a nap on my shoulder I'll wake you up when we get to the station." Natsuya told y/n as she looked at him with droopy eyes. "Okayyy wake me up please." Y/n said as she slurred her words and fell asleep on his shoulder. Natsuya couldn't help but notice the marks on her neck. He started to blush at the memory that happened in the mall. He shook his head and went on his phone and snapped a quick picture of the both of them. He smiled softly at the picture of both of them.
"Just wait for me y/n I promise I'll make everything up to you." Natsuya thought to himself as he laid his head on top of y/n's.

———-Timeskip to apartment——————

"I really needed that nap I feel refreshed!" Y/n told Natsuya as she smiled at him. Natsuya chuckled as he hugged her. "You're cute." Natsuya started to flirt with y/n causing her to blush. "T-Thank you" Natsuya started to get closer to her as he lift her chin up.
"Those marks look good on you too." Natsuya told y/n as he kissed her softly on the cheek. Y/n pushed Natsuya off as she started to blush furiously. "I-Idiot! What am I going to do to cover these up?" Y/n asked natsuya as she walked to her room. Natsuya chuckled as he followed her.
"Simple. You don't'." Natsuya teased y/n as he grabbed her and started to kiss her endlessly.
"Natsuya! Stop!!" Y/n screamed as she chuckled. Natsuya dragged her down to the bed and started to tickle her.
"Stop!! Please I'm going to pee myself!!" Y/n screamed out as she wiggled around. Laughter filled up the room. Pure happiness engulfed the both of them as they were messing around with each other. Natsuya couldn't help but stop and look at y/n. He loved y/n more than anything and he felt lucky that she felt the same way about him. Natsuya pulled y/n close and hugged her.
"N-Natsuya? What's wrong?" Y/n asked him as she rubbed his back.
"I love you." Natsuya told y/n as he tightened the hug.
"You make me feel lucky. I know we're not official yet but I'm glad that you're mine and that I'm yours." Y/n started to tear up from his words. Y/n felt happy she knew that she had to wait for him.
"I love you too Natsuya." Y/n smiled as she pushed Natsuya down to sit on his stomach.

"I'm glad that I waited for you... I couldn't see myself without you honestly. When you first left I was devastated I felt like I lost my motivation. You give me hope for the future Natsuya... Thank you."

Y/n confessed to Natsuya as she started to cry. He sat up and wiped the tears away from her cheeks.
"I won't leave again y/n. I'm staying for good okay? We'll build a future together how does that sound?" Natsuya asked y/n as he smiled at her. She nodded as she smiled softly at Natsuya.
"Well let's start right now. Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Natsuya asked y/n as he grabbed her hands and started to rub them and kiss them. Y/n was surprised at the sudden question. She felt a grin starting to form on her face as her heartbeat sped up.
"I'd love to!" Y/n said as she tackled Natsuya into a hug. Natsuya started to chuckle as he grabbed y/n and kissed her multiple times on the lips.
"I could finally call you mine!" He screamed as he smiled at y/n.
"You idiot I was always yours." Y/n told Natsuya as she giggled. Y/n never felt this happy and she was happy that it was all because of him. Natsuya stood up as he picked up y/n and wrapped her legs around him.
"Where are we going??" Y/n asked as she chuckled.
"Let's have a stay at home date! Let's get some snacks from the liquor store down the street and watch movies." Natsuya told y/n as he grabbed his wallet and walked out he door making sure it's locked.
"Put me down before we fall though!" Y/n yelled as she chuckled. Natsuya put her down as he smiled at y/n.
—————-At liquor store———————-
Y/n's mouth started to water as she looked at all the sweets. Y/n was a sucker for sweets especially bread sweets. "Do you want those y/n? I see a waterfall on your lips." Natsuya chuckled as he teased y/n.
"I do want those actually! I'll pay you back I promise!" Y/n told Natsuya as she grabbed the sweets. "I already told you! When you're with me you don't need to pay anything." Natsuya reassured y/n as he paid for the things and walked out hand in hand with y/n.
"You're sweet but I don't want you spending all your money on me idiot." Y/n sighed as she ran her hand through her hair.
"Well I want to do it for you so let me do it for you please?" Natsuya asked y/n as he rubbed her hand. She only blushed and looked away smiling.
—————Timeskip and apartment—————
Y/n and Natsuya placed all the bags on the kitchen counter and pulled the snacks out.
"Let's go to my room! I have comfy blankets!" Y/n told Natsuya as she ran to her room. Natsuya chuckled at her child ness as he followed after her. Y/n got the blankets and pulled Natsuya onto the bed.
"Let's cuddle! I miss our cuddles!" Y/n told Natsuya as she giggled. "Come here lets cuddle then." Natsuya said as he pulled y/n in and started to spoon her.
"I'm actually kinda sleepy." Natsuya confessed to y/n as he nuzzled into y/n.
"Let's go to sleep we could save our stay in date for tomorrow." Y/n said as she turned around to hug natsuya. Y/n loved the way he smelled. Being in Natsuya's arms made her feel safe. Y/n heard snoring above her. She looked up only to see that he fell asleep already. Y/n smiled as she kissed his forehead and started to get comfortable. They both fell asleep into each other's arms.

WOOOOO Natsuya finally asked y/n to be his girlfriend!!!! But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I love you guys xoxo ❤️

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