Chapter 24

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Y/n and Ikuya walked back to Ikuya's dorm as they talked.
"So what happened in Australia?"
Ikuya asked curiously as y/n started to smile.
"I went to find that idiot. After I found him we made up and had a little talk." Y/n explained to Ikuya as he nodded and told her to continue.

"After our talk we got closer! I'm telling you Ikuya I'm really in love with Natsuya." Y/n told Ikuya as she felt her heart speed up.
"I don't know how it's possible but I got closer with him. As a best friend and a lover."

Y/n told Ikuya as she smiled softly at him.
Ikuya was happy for y/n he knew just how much she really loved his older brother.
Ikuya looked at y/n's neck as saw that there was some bruises.
"Hey y/n what's that on your neck? Are those bruises?" Ikuya asked curiously as he tried to touch them. Y/n moved away just in time and smacked his hand.
Y/n was blushing furiously as her whole face turned red .
"It's nothing!!!" Y/n yelled out as she chuckled nervously.
Ikuya eventually got the hint what those "bruises" were as he started to blush along with y/n.

"You guys did 'IT'??!!" Ikuya yelled out loud as he covered his mouth in shock. Y/n started to freak out as she jumped on Ikuya to make him shut up.
"S-Shut up idiot! Someone might hear!!"
Y/n then jumped off as Ikuya started to calm down.
"Yes we did 'IT'! Blame your idiot brother he started it!!" Y/n told Ikuya as she blushed even more.
Ikuya then started to think which made y/n worried.
"Hey? You good there?" Y/n asked Ikuya as she put her hand on his shoulder.
"Does that mean I'll be an uncle?" Ikuya asked shyly as he blushed a little.
Y/n started to blush even more thinking about a kid her and Natsuya created. She started to shake her head furiously to get the thought out of her head.

"No! We used protection!!" Y/n chuckled slightly as she told Ikuya as he nodded slightly.
"Well when you get pregnant in the future can I be the first one to know?" Ikuya asked curiously. Y/n couldn't help but chuckled as Ikuya reminded her of a little child.
"Yes Ikuya you'll be the first to know."
Ikuya nodded as he got excited thinking about being an uncle.
Y/n grabbed Ikuya's wrist as she ran towards her apartment.
"Where are we going?!!" Ikuya asked y/n curiously.
"We're having time together at my place! We can do some fun things with Natsuya and play some games like old times!" Ikuya nodded as he grabbed his phone.
"Can I invite the rest?" Ikuya asked as y/n chuckled slightly.
"Yeah go ahead ask them if they can bring some sweets thought please!" Y/n asked Ikuya as her eyes gleamed thinking about al the sweets.
Ikuya couldn't help but chuckle at y/n and her love for sweets.
"Alright I'll ask them dummy."

—————-Timeskip to apartment———————

Y/n and Ikuya arrived only to see Natsuya watching a movie with Makoto.
"Hey guys! Sorry if I was gone for long!" Y/n told the boys as she hugged Natsuya from his shoulders.
"It's okay y/n-chan! Natsuya invited me in to watch a movie I hope you don't mind!" Makoto told y/n as he scratched his cheek a bit.
Y/n chuckled a bit as she shook her head.
"Don't worry Mako-chan besides everybody is coming right now I invited them!" Y/n told the boys as she nodded in excitement.
Y/n then started to pout as she thought about the rest in Iwatobi.

"I wish our friends from Iwatobi could be here though." Y/n sighed as she thought about her old teammates.
"Speaking of Iwatobi I was actually planning to go there soon. We should all go together if  no one is busy?" Natsuya told everyone as they all nodded furiously.
"We really need a break besides I want to see my family it's been awhile." Makoto told everybody as y/n started to think.

"Family huh?  It's been awhile since I've seen my family." Y/n thought to herself as she thought about her mom and dad.

"It's been so long since I've talked to them maybe I should pay them a visit?" Y/n thought as she made plans in her head.

"Hey babe are you okay?" Natsuya asked y/n as he hugged her.
Y/n nodded and smiled softly.
"Yeah! Makoto reminded me to go visit my parents though it's been awhile."
Y/n told Natsuya as he winced a bit.
Y/n's parents never liked Natsuya. They always thought that he would distract y/n and that he was a bad influence for her. Natsuya believed it deep down but he never bothered to talk about it to y/n.

"Hey are you okay Natsuya?"
Y/n asked him as they two boys talked in the back about random things.
"Yeah! I'm good I just started thinking about your parents not liking me y'know?" Natsuya told y/n as he sighed.
Y/n hugged him to comfort him.

"Don't worry about it baby. I don't care what they think about you. You make me happy and if they can't accept us then we'll run away together!"
Y/n told Natsuya as she chuckled a bit at the last thing she said.
Natsuya smiled softly at y/n as he caressed her cheek.

"That sounds like a plan."
Natsuya told y/n as he chuckled a bit.

*knock knock*

"I'll get it!" Y/n yelled as she walked towards the door and opened it.
Y/n saw Haru, Asahi, and Kisumi.
"Hey guys!! Come in!"

Y/n moved to the side to let them in.
"Thanks for inviting us y/n! We brought some snacks!" Asahi told y/n as he poured the bag onto the counter dropping all the sweets and chips.

"Ahh!! Thank you guys! I was craving sweets." Y/n hugged the group as she got chocolates and walked towards the living room.
"What do you guys feel like doing?" Y/n asked as she popped a chocolate into her mouth.

"Does anybody want to watch a movie? I heard there's a really good scary movie!" Kisumi told everybody as they walked towards the living room.
Y/n and Makoto started shaking as they hugged each other thinking about all the scary scenes.


The both of them yelled at the same time as Kisumi pouted slightly.
"How about we watch a mackerel movie?" Haru said in his monotone voice as the rest shook their head.
"I don't think that would be a good movie for now Haru. How about we watch that for next time?" Y/n tried comforting Haru as he pouted slightly.

"How about we watch a funny movie?" Ikuya added in as everybody agreed.
"Alright I'll get the blankets!!"


Everybody left home late. It was 1:30 in the morning.
"That was a good movie huh?" Y/n asked Natsuya as he nodded slightly.
Natsuya seemed off as he played with his fingers.
Y/n crawled towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
"Hey? Are you okay?" Y/n asked softly as she started playing with his hair.

"Yeah... I'm just thinking about a way on how to change your parents mind about me." Natsuya told y/n as he sighed.
Natsuya turned around to look at y/n's eyes.
"I'm just scared to lose you y/n." Natsuya told y/n.

"You won't lose me! It doesn't matter what they think Natsuya. They've always been like this. That's the whole point why I left far away from Iwatobi I didn't want to be around them when they kept being negative about you and my future."

Natsuya felt bad for y/n as he noticed tears forming in her eyes.
"Hey don't cry alright? Look let's just forget about them. I promise that we'll change their mind and if they don't then at least we'll have each other."
Natsuya told y/n as he hugged her.

"I love you Natsuya."

"I love you too y/n."

Thanks for reading guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating I've been super busy helping my family out. I hope you understand! Thanks for reading love ya xoxo ❤️

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