Chapter 25

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Before we start!!! Thank you guys so much for 1000 reads almost 2000!! (Did I say that right? 😭)
I really do appreciate you guys for reading my book it makes me really happy knowing that you enjoy the book! I love you guys ❤️


"Alright! Is everyone ready?" Makoto asked as he checked everybody to make sure they had their bag in his trunk.
"Yeah I think we have all our stuff in there."
Y/n said as she chuckled.
They were finally going back to Iwatobi today to visit their friends and family.

"Alright then! Let's go to the train station!" Makoto said as he got into it the car with Haru.
Y/n grabbed Natsuya's hand and sat in between Natsuya and Ikuya.
"I'm excited to see everybody again! I wonder how the swim team is like now!"
Y/n told the rest as they nodded along.

————————-Timeskip to train————-

Y/n kept yawning as she read her book trying her best to stay up.
"Y/n? Just go to sleep on my shoulder I'll wake you up when we get there."
Natsuya told y/n as he chuckled slightly.
Y/n closed her book and shook her head.

"I can't sleep. I'm too nervous to see my family again."

Y/n told Natsuya as she sighed and leaned against his shoulder.
Natsuya started to play with her hair to calm her down.

"It'll be okay y/n. Look if anything happens just know I'm here okay? If it makes you feel better I'll go with you."

Natsuya told y/n trying to comfort her even though he felt his stomach churn from nervousness thinking about the situation.
Y/n smiled at Natsuya as she rubbed his cheek.

"You don't have to Natsuya. I'm just scared. I don't want them to start their bullshit like how they did before I left."

Y/n sighed as she grabbed her bag and reached for the cookies she packed before they had left. She gave one to Natsuya as she grabbed one for herself.

"Y'know y/n I'm not only going with you so that you can calm down a little. I want to go because I want to ask them for their permission to be with you."

Y/n eyes widened as she started to blush. She looked away and started to eat her cookie.
Natsuya grabbed y/n's hand causing her to get startled a bit. Natsuya chuckled at the sudden reaction she gave him.

"Just relax okay? If your parents can't change their bullshit you can come running to me and I'll make you feel better!"

Natsuya told y/n as he nudged her a bit causing her to chuckle. Y/n nudged him back as she shook her head.

"Thank you Natsuya. I can't guarantee you that they'll be accepting of us but I can definitely guarantee you that I'll stick by your side no matter what they say."

Y/n said as she leaned on Natsuya's shoulder.
Natsuya smiled softly as he leaned his head against hers.

"That's all that matters."

Natsuya told y/n as he pulled his phone out and went onto his camera. He aimed it up towards the both of them and started to smile.

"What are you doing?" Y/n asked as she chuckled a bit.

"I want to remember this moment.
Say cheese!!"


Y/n and the rest eventually arrived at Iwatobi. It was around 8:30 AM.
Y/n started to run around in excitement as she saw her old home town.

"I missed this place so much! It brings so many memories!"
Y/n yelled out as the rest nodded agreeing with her.

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