Chapter 31

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This chapter will have detailed LEMON!! If you don't like lemon I'll let you know where it starts and ends so you can read the story line!!
18+ 🔞


"What's wrong y/n?"

Natsuya asked y/n noticing something was wrong with her. Y/n started shaking more as she got scared to tell Natsuya. Y/n took a breath before she explained to Natsuya.

"Last night I went to the Matsuoka's house to go find Gou but Rin was the only one there. I cried and he comforted me. He picked me up and laid me down on his bed and comforted me and I ended up falling asleep."

Y/n told Natsuya as he raise his eyebrow at what she told him. Y/n started to feel guilty she had no idea why though.

"Why am I'm so scared? I didn't do anything I'm just scared he'll think the wrong thing"

Y/n thought to herself as she sat there looking at Natsuya. She took a small breath before she continued to talk.

"When I woke up I was in his shirt and my panties. I woke up scared he told me we didn't do anything and I know we didn't but I still thought you should know because it made me feel guilty wearing his shirt and laying next to him. I promise I didn't do anything."

Y/n explained to Natsuya as she looked at her lap playing with her fingers. Natsuya grabbed her chin so that he could look back up at her.

"It's okay I trust you y/n. I know you wouldn't do anything like that. "

Y/n looked at Natsuya and let out a sigh of relief as she hugged him. Natsuya pulled her back slightly as he had a frown on his face.


"Still I don't like how he touched you to change you. He always tries to be there for you and that's my job."

Natsuya said seriously as he grabbed y/n's chin lifting it up so that he can make eye contact with her. He looked at her seductively as he rubbed her cheek slightly. Y/n felt butterflies in her stomach seeing this side of Natsuya. It turned her on. Natsuya lowered himself to her ear and started breathing his hot breath on her ear.

"You're mine y/n don't forget that. He shouldn't be touching things that are mine."

Natsuya told y/n as he licked her earlobe bitting down gently on it. Y/n had goosebumps all over her body as she felt her adrenaline rush through her veins. Y/n was blushing as she looked away from Natsuya embarrassed.

"You look so cute when you blush baby~"

Natsuya told y/n as he laid her down on the bed gently. He lifted up her shirt and started to kiss her on her soft skin causing her to moan a bit. Natsuya smirked on her skin as he licked her stomach trailing all the way up to her breasts.

"N-Natsuya what got you like this?"

Y/n asked Natsuya as she hid her blushed cheeks with the back of her hand. Natsuya chuckled a bit as he removed her shirt leaving y/n naked from above. Y/n blushed as she tried covering herself. Natsuya licked his lips as he moved y/n's arms away.

"Don't cover yourself you look beautiful. Besides y/n you took your bra off when you changed you naughty girl~"

Natsuya teased y/n as her eyes widened a bit. She turned even more red as she yanked his hair slightly.

"It's because my bra was wet!"

Y/n told Natsuya as he smirked and kissed y/n. It was a sweet loving kiss. Y/n felt her body turn to jello at the sudden sweetness. Natsuya then started to make it more passionate as he licked her bottom lip asking for permission. Y/n denied as she rubbed his buldge with her knee. Natsuya moaned out a bit causing y/n to get even more turned on. He grabbed her hand gently as the other one rubbed on her bud. Y/n let out a moan letting Natsuya push his tongue in and fight for dominance. Y/n moaned out in pleasure as he rubbed her nipple gently. He broke the kiss leaving a string of saliva in between them.

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