Chapter 27

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Y/n looked at the two boys as they were in the diving board. Y/n smirked at the two competitive boys. Gou went up to y/n and wrapped her arm around y/n.

"Who do you think is going to win y/n?"

Gou asked y/n as the other boys listened in. Y/n smiled softly as she looked at Gou.

"My boyfriend Natsuya of course!"


Gou, Nagisa, and Rei yelled out confused at what y/n said. As for Haru and Makoto they already knew that they were together. Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at all the reactions.
Gou sighed as she let go of y/n.

"I thought you would marry my brother! I wanted you to be my sister in law!"

Gou whined as y/n chuckled awkwardly at Gou.

"I'll be your sister! But Rin and I didn't really work out... he kinda ditched me on OUR date!"

Y/n told Gou as she laughed at the memory of Sting giving Rin the stink eye before she left with Natsuya.

"You went on a date with my brother!! And that asshole ditched you! We gotta talk later we need to catch up on a lot!!"

Gou sighed as she chuckled slightly from the new update in Y/n's life. Y/n nodded then turned around to look at the boys who are racing. Y/n started to cheer for Natsuya which caused him to go faster.

—————————Timeskip after race!————

"Told ya I'd kick your ass Matsuoka!"

Natsuya told Rin as he offered his hand to help him get out the pool. Rin grabbed his hand and got out the pool.

"Yeah yeah whatever!"

Rin told Natsuya as he shook his hand. Y/n then ran to Natsuya screaming in excitement.

"Good job Natsuya!!!"

Y/n yelled as she jumped on Natsuya causing him to stumble back and fall into the pool with y/n. As they rose up to the surface of the water they looked at each other and started to laugh.

"You idiot be careful next time!"

Natsuya scolded y/n as she chuckled and jump onto his back.

"Shut up you love me! Give me a piggy back ride in the water loser!!"

Y/n told Natsuya as he chuckled and held y/n on his back. The rest couldn't help but smile at the couple that gleamed happiness.
As for Rin though he felt his heart shatter at the sight in front of him. He's loved y/n since he met her. He loved everything about her.
Her E/C eyes, her H/L H/C hair, the way that she smiled when she saw something pretty, to the way she cried and looked so pretty while doing it.
Rin sighed and shook his towel over his head to dry his hair. He then went to grab his bag and swung it over his shoulder.

"I have to go guys! I gotta go meet up with Sousuke!"

Rin told the rest as he put his jacket and hat on. Everybody waved bye to Rin as he walked off to samezuka. Natsuya then turned to y/n on his back and smiled.

"Well y/n ready to practice for the competition?"

Natsuya asked y/n as the rest looked at Natsuya curiously. Y/n then looked at the group and grinned.

"I forgot to tell you guys I'm joining the All-Japan competition!!"

Everybody gasped at the announcement y/n made. They all started to cheer in happiness.
It's been awhile since they've seen y/n swim. Ever since Natsuya left y/n stopped swimming but luckily Nagisa convinced y/n to join the team. Ever since y/n joined the team they've been all inseparable and tried to help each other accomplish their goals.

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