Chapter 45

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Y/n, Natsuya, and Ikuya walked through the hallway towards the pool. They all felt excited deep down inside but at the same time they felt nervous. Y/n was in the middle of both of them. She felt happy that the race was about to happen.

"I never thought we would race. If I knew I would've worked my ass off all these years!"

Y/n laughed as she catches Natsuya's and Ikuya's attention. They both smiled a bit as Natsuya smirked at the both of them. He looked forward with a determine face as he walked.

"I hope the both of you know that I won't go easy on the both of you. I want the both of you to go all out."

Natsuya told Ikuya and y/n making them smirk. Y/n smiled as she remembered the deal they made. She knew that Natsuya was determined not only because of Ikuya but because of the promise he made. Ikuya started to smile as he looked at Natsuya.

"Me go easy on the both of you? In your dreams."

Ikuya told them both of them as he smiled. They all laughed as they walked to the pool. They got into their line as they took of their jackets and put on their caps and goggles. Y/n felt her heart beat fast as she stretched her arms and legs.

"I can't wait to finally swim with you guys again..."

Y/n thought to herself as she smiled widely. She was excited that she'll finally be able to swim with them. She always felt left out but now she feels like if she was in the right place at the right time. As for Natsuya he felt confident. He was determined to beat y/n and Ikuya so that he can keep his promise with y/n and finally be able to marry her. She was everything to him. They all heard someone announce for them to take their places.

"It's time..!"

The three of them thought to themselves as they positioned themselves on the diving board. Y/n stared into the crystal blue water as she felt a smile creep onto her face.

"On your marks...! Get set...!"

Y/n, Ikuya, and Natsuya waited for the final beep as they focused. They all felt the adrenaline rush through their body as they waited for that one simple noise to let them know that they can go.


They all dived into the water as soon as they heard the beep go off. The water immediately accepted the three of them as they swam as fast as they could. Everybody from above was surprised how the three of them could keep up with each other. The thing that surprised them the most though is that y/n was taking the lead. Y/n swam faster in front of them as she smirked in the water.

"Catch up to me...!"

Y/n thought to herself as the twirled in the water and kicked herself off the wall towards the opposite direction. Everyone gasped as they saw how fast she was going. Rin and Haru was surprised at the fact that Natsuya and Ikuya eventually caught up to y/n. They all swam the same speed as they pushed themselves as best as they can. The three of them reached towards the wall and smacked their hand on the wall. Y/n threw her cap off as the three of them looked at the screen.

𝟷- 𝙸𝚔𝚞𝚢𝚊 𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊
𝟸- 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚢𝚊 𝙺𝚛𝚒𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚊
𝟸-𝚈/𝚗 𝙻/𝙽

Y/n's eyes widened as she looked at the screen. Ikuya had won! She looked towards Ikuya as she had tears streaming down her cheeks. Natsuya and y/n immediately hugged Ikuya as they laughed softly.

"You won Ikuya! You've grown when I had my back turned!"

Natsuya told Ikuya as he hugged him tight. Y/n smiled widely as she nodded agreeing with Natsuya. Y/n felt so proud of Ikuya she didn't see him as a friend but as a brother. She was happy that he was successful.

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