Chapter 55

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Please read the ending!! Place any request! Love you guys! ❤️



Y/n yelled as she tried her best to stand up from the kitchen floor. It was 3 AM in the morning as screams filled the new house. Her water happened to break as she went down to get a snack that the baby was craving. Y/n yelled out for Natsuya again as she held her stomach. Natsuya immediately shot his eyes opened as he jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. As he walked into the Kitchen he saw y/n on the ground.

"W-What happened? Are you okay?!!"

Y/n glared at Natsuya as she gave him a 'are you fucking serious?' look. Natsuya immediately tried to help y/n up but heard more water splash onto the ground. His eyes widened as he laid y/n back down onto the ground.

"M-My water broke Natsuya... the babies are coming!"

Y/n yelled as she felt her contractions kicking in. Natsuya started to panic as he ran around the house to find his phone. As soon as he found his phone he immediately grabbed it and started to dial their doctor. After a few rings the doctor picked up.


"Hi! My wife is giving birth and she's already having contractions!"

"I... I don't know how to tell you this but you're going to have to help her give birth..! I'll grab my things and come to your house send me your address!"


Natsuya immediately hung up the phone as he sent the address quickly and ran to unlock the door so that the doctor can make her way in when she arrives. Natsuya ran back to y/n and handed her a water bottle.

"W-What happened baby?"

Y/n asked Natsuya as she panted a bit from the pain in her stomach. Natsuya gulped as he grabbed some towels and laid it on the floor. He then grabbed some spare towels and blankets for the baby.

"I'm going to have to help you give birth y/n. The doctor will come eventually but she said that I'm going to have to do it."

Natsuya told y/n as he smiled at her trying to calm her down. Her eyes immediately popped out of her head as she shook her head.

"Are you crazy!! What if something happens!"

Y/n yelled as she held her stomach in pain. Natsuya grabbed y/n and lifted her on top of the towels so that she won't make a mess. He then grabbed her hand lovingly and kissed y/n on the lips.

"Just trust me angel, I won't do anything to hurt you I promise."

Natsuya reassured y/n as he let go of her hand and started to roll his sleeves up. Y/n sighed as she gave a small weak smile and nodded. She trusted Natsuya more than anything.

"Alright I trust you, but if something happens you won't hear the end of it..!"

Y/n yelled making Natsuya chuckle a bit as he nodded. He then started to rub y/n's stomach a bit as she felt her contractions hit harder then usual. Natsuya looked down as he saw the head of the baby starting to pop out. His eyes widened as he immediately took action and grabbed the head lightly.

"I see the head y/n..! Push!!"

Y/n yelled as he pushed as much as she could trying to endure the pain. Natsuya had a grin the whole time as watched the baby come out. As soon as the baby popped out the room was filled with cry's from the baby. It was a boy!

"Our boy is out y/n! Our little Andrew!"

Natsuya cheered as he wiped Andrew clean and wrapped him in a towel carefully making sure the baby isn't hurt. Y/n smiled happily as tears prickled at the side of her eyes. She felt so happy seeing Natsuya already taking of their little ones. She then felt a sharp pain as she laid back down a bit.

"N-Natsuya..! The other one is coming!"

Y/n yelled as she felt the baby come down a bit. Natsuya nodded as he kissed y/n's leg and saw the head come out a bit. He was was still nervous from giving birth but he knew he could do it again.

"Push baby..! Just a little more angel!"

Natsuya cheered on y/n as he held onto the baby that was coming out. Y/n eventually let out a sigh of relief as the last baby came out completely. The baby immediately started to cry as Natsuya picked her up. His eyes's sparkled as he wiped their little girl clean. He grabbed the both of them and held them next to y/n.

"You did such a good job y/n. Look at our little babies. I'm so happy I'm a dad."

Natsuya told y/n as he teared up from happiness. Y/n nodded as she held onto both of the babies. Andrew looked a lot like Natsuya but he got y/n's E/C eyes. As for Angel she looked exactly like y/n but her hair was the color of Natsuya's along with her eyes. Y/n started to cry from happiness as she kissed the twins on their little nose.

"This is Angel Kirishima and this is Andrew Kirishima, our little family."

Y/n looked up at Natsuya and smiled as she leaned in for a loving kiss. He smiled as he rubbed her cheek and kissed her deeply. The both of them grinned into the kiss as they pulled apart.

"I can't believe I helped give birth to the both of them..!"

Natsuya laughed as he put his hand on his head realizing what he just did. He was in shock that he could do such a thing but he felt proud that he helped give birth to the woman he loved and the babies he adored. As they chuckled they heard the doctor run in as she put her stuff down on the ground. Her eyes widened as she saw the family all normal.

"Y-You gave birth..! Natsuya you did a good job!"

The doctor congratulated the family as she grabbed the babies and made sure that they were healthy. She started to pat on their backs to let out all the fluids. Y/n smiled weakly as she looked at her babies. She was proud that they made the both of them. She had to admit everything happened all of the sudden but she was happy to officially see her family all together. Natsuya grabbed y/n's head as he kissed her softly still crying a bit.

"You did a good job y/n, I can't wait to watch them grow up."

Natsuya told y/n as he leaned his head against a hers. She smiled as she kissed his cheek softly. The both of them were happy that words couldn't even express the way they were feeling.

"I can't wait either Natsuya. I love you."

"I love you too."

The babies are finally here!!! I'm so happy that there's a family now!! I want to make at least 3 chapters more until I end the book any requests? Thanks for reading guys! Love ya! ❤️

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