grantaire; i'm here

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AU: In this imagine, R doesn't go to Enjolras in the final battle (cries in enjoltaire😿), but is passed out throughout the whole battle and is presumed dead by the soldiers and you, his fiancée. Enjoy!

I fiddled with the ring around my ring finger, attempting to calm my nerves as I neared the fallen barricade. My eyes glisten with tears as I pass by the bodies of my friends. I see Enjolras hanging out of the window, Joly flat on his back on the ground. It's traumatizing. I look around for my future husband, praying that he is okay. I walk over a blood covered Bahorel doing my best to hold back loud sobs. I step into the café and begin to head up the chopped up stairs. I see more of my friends dead on the floor and cover my mouth with my shaky hand. I was about to ascend higher up the stars until I heard a bottle clang against another bottle.

"Vive le Frank!" An easily recognizable voice slurs. "No, wait. Vive le America! Wait, wrong country." He drunkly laughs.

"Grantaire?" I call out softly, slowly heading down the broken stairs.

"Y/n?" He asks in a serious tone, putting the bottles down and standing up.

"Grantaire!" I yell as he turns to me. "Y/n!"

I run and jump into his arms. His hands wrap around my waist and he spins me in the air. He sets me down and smiles, holding my face in his hands.

"Good Lord I never thought I would see this angelic face ever again!" I hug him again and let out the tears that I've been holding in.

"I thought I lost you!" I shout through a sob. His arms tighten around me.

"I'm here, my love. I'm here."

I release the hug and see a tear streaming down his face. I wipe it and sniffle. He leans into my hand on his face before kissing me. His arms wrap around my waist again and he leans me back. My arms wrap around his neck. (AU: check picture above for reference).

The kiss held a immense amount of passion and lasted for what felt like eternity. One kiss became another and another.

Then, our tear filled eyes met.

"I love you and I'm sorry for putting you through this." He said with a sob. I comforted him and told him things like what he was doing was right and how he has impacted France and had made his friends proud.

We hugged for the longest time, he cried into my shoulder about the past events, his friends and the feeling of almost losing the chance to kiss and hug you.

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now