bahorel; i don't know

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AU: so uh, this ain't fluff and this is based off of Jackie and Hyde's breakup from that 70's show...

3rd Person POV:
You paced around the room waiting for Bahorel to return home. You glanced at the pocket watch he had given you, it reads 3:47 AM. You groan in frustration as this is unusual behaviour for Bahorel. He usually comes home early to make you dinner and take you out into the town. The door soon opens and a half smiling Bahorel walks through the door. His eyes are in the ground and his head is shaking as he slightly chuckles. He didn't notice you and your angry form; your arms crossed and foot tapping.

"So how was America?" "Huh?" "Where were you? You had me worried sick!"

"Oh." He looks down and places his hands on the nearby chair tucked into a table. "Joly and Musichetta are to be married in May." You gasp with excitement. "'Chetta's engaged?!" You squeal and hold your chest.

"Why didn't you invite me?" You say, still smiling. His eyes leave you and he exhales loudly.

"I...uh didntwantyoutogetanyideas. Well goodnight." He comes to kiss you until you stop him.

"I'm sorry? I didn't quite catch what you said." He looks to the floor again.

"I... I didn't want you to get any ideas..." He scratches the back of neck, eyes not daring to meet yours. "Get any ideas? What do you mean? Like you and I getting engaged?"

"Well... yeah"

You furrow your eyebrows. "Bahorel, do you not want to get engaged to me?" He exhales again.

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?" You ask more sternly. He starts sputtering the beginning of sentences but never finishes them.

"Do you see no future for us? Do you not see us getting married or, or having children?" "Well, I don't know. I can't tell the future, y/n!"

"You need to have faith in a relationship for it to work Baho-" "Y/n, I don't even see a future for myself! How could we last with the revolution? Huh? I could die out there and what? Now you want me to get down on one knee and propose to you with a ring I probably can't even afford!" He yells.

"I never said you had to propose! You said that I would get the idea from seeing Joly and Musichetta getting engaged, not me! And you have so little faith in the revolution and your own future- you make me sound like a distraction to ease your mind away from that!" Tears brimming your eyes.

"A distraction? You are anything but a distraction y/n! I love being with you but I can't have you asking me these questions that I don't have answers to." You both huff. All goes still and silent for a couple minutes.

"Bahorel, look at me and tell me that you either do or don't see a future between us because I don't want to waste my time-"

"Y/N, I DON'T KNOW!" He screams, being the first time. You stand there shocked and scared. "Oh my god, I'm sorry..."

It goes silent again.

"D-do you or don't you?" He sighs deeply, not making eye contact. A tear falls from your cheek but you quickly and roughly wipe it away.

"Goodbye Bahorel."

With that, you grab your things and leave. You close the door and start walking back to your own home. You cover your mouth with your hand and let the tears fall.

With that, he doesn't watch you leave. He waits for the door to close to start letting his hands run through his hair and eyes glisten with salty tears.

You both just lost the lights of your lives.

From then on, all was dark.

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now