courfeyrac; i feel sick around you

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You were enjoying a glass of red wine at a table on the main floor of the café, smiling about todays meeting and it's wonderful aspects. You and Grantaire making fun of your best friend, Enjolras, Marius daydreaming about the same girl again, Eponine drooling all over him and Gavroche cuddling into Courfeyrac. It was just how things went. Your thoughts were interrupted by a middle aged man that was poorly dressed slouching in a chair next to yours.

"Hey there, pretty lady" he slurred while coming closer to you.

"Salut Monsieur" you say awkwardly and uncomfortably, slowly inching away from the clearly drunk man. He keeps inching forward until you are off of your seat.

"Take the stick out of your ass and let me show you how a real man-"

"Bonsoir, y/n." An arm wraps around your waist and pulls you close to a large body. You look up to see your another one of your best friend's, Courfeyrac removing his soft gaze from you to stare down the drunk man who sprawled himself over the table you once sat at.

"Hey, beat it pal. This one's mine" he says while snapping his fingers and giving the hand motion to hit the road. You were appalled at the drunks' words, speaking as if you were an object. Before you could snap and scream at the man Courfeyrac made a move.

"Yeah, I don't think so"

with that, he wrapped both of his arms around your waist, turning you to face him and kissed you. He leaned you back a little.

At first you were shocked, until you realized that the known flirt himself was kissing you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back, your hands soon rising to run through his dark locks.

You both pulled away and stared into each other's eyes with a feeling that neither of you had ever experienced before. All was still until it wasn't. The drunk man pushed Courfeyrac off of you, resulting in you falling backwards and onto the ground.

The drunk then pushed a somehow still standing Courfeyrac into a table. He then punched Courfeyrac in the face. Courfeyrac's face turned to the left before he placed his hand on his cheekbone and slightly winced in pain. Courf then used all of his force to push the drunk against the wall and hold him by the collar. Courfeyrac was about to punch him until an empty platter that was held by a nearby waitress trying to stop the fight was slammed onto his head. Courfeyrac immediately fell to the ground, just like the platter broken into two.

"Courfeyrac!" You yell but before you can get to him, the drunk man yanks your wrist and puts his hands on your butt. His arms trap you into a tight hold.

"Let's get out of here Mademoiselle" he winks and begins to drag you out of the café. Questions ran through your head like 'where were the boys' and 'why is nobody stopping this wretched man from harming me?' You pushed and nuzzled, attempting to get out of his grasp. Your grunts and struggles soon came to a halt by the sound of a bottle smashing. The arms that were once around you loosened and the drunk fell to the ground. Courfeyrac then releases the bottle that you assumed he smashed on his head and met the man on the ground and held him by the collar again.

"If you touch ma belle ever again so help you god I will shoot you between the eyes" Courfeyrac screams before dropping the now unconscious man. He gets up and makes his way over to you.

"Y/n, are you alright?" He asks you while examining your body for cuts and/or bruises. You ignore him and keep the words he had spoken previously on a replay in your head.

'Ma belle.'

"Y/n?" He asks again. You ignore him again. He looks at you with furrowed eyebrows and a slight frown before gently taking your hand and bringing you outside to the alleyway between the café and another building. He places his hands on your shoulders and starts to get worried.

"Y/n, please answer me. Are you ok-"

"Yes. I'm fine. Thank you." "Of course." His hands run down your arms before leaving your body completely.

"Why'd you say that?" You ask.

"Pardon?" He looks at you confused.

"Why did you call me that?" He is still confused. You sigh and look to the ground.

"You called me 'ma belle' Courfeyrac. Why?" Realization hits his face and his eyes scramble around the alleyway.

"I- um. Well, I needed t-to get the-the guy to get away from y-you" he mumbles a 'yeah' as if he had convinced himself his lie was well told, which it was not.

"Courfeyrac. Look at me" he doesn't look. "Look at me." You say sternly. He looks up at you with nervously narrowed eyes.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" He goes quiet for a minute before responding with a small nod.

"What is it?" You ask in a softer tone. He exhales.

"I feel sick around you." You purse your lips together, cross your arms and place a hand on your heart.

"Aw, thank you! That makes me feel just so warm inside." You say sarcastically.

"I mean, like a good sick. A sick feeling that I dislike but also don't want to go away. Y/n, every time I see you or touch you, I get this fluttery feeling in my stomach an-and this like, peeling in my heart. When we kissed, you can't look at me and say you didn't feel anything because I did, I really did. I love you and have been in love with you since the day you walked through that door. I can't eat, sleep or think straight because of you. So thank you. Thank you for-"

"Just shut up." You say. "What?"

You look him in the eyes and smile.

"I love you too" he immediately lights up and kisses you passionately. You are pushed back against the wall as his hands move from your cheeks to your waist and yours from his face to his curls.

And that kids is how your mother and I started dating.

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now