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A/N: some things you should know: you and marius are married and have two beautiful boys named Pierre and Evan. you work in a new doctor's office as a nurse. also, i recommend this show- it's on netflix and it is AMAZING! another also, i used google translate bc i CAN'T speak french so yeah, but i add translations so dw. credit for plot and unchanged parts of the script go to the creators of one day at a time. enjoy!

Marius enters the office with a bouquet of flowers after finishing his errands for the day. You walk out of a room with a bourgeois man in an arm sling.

"Now Mr. DuBois, please, and I mean please stop taking the sling off. It is very important for you to wear, taking it off will only postpone its healing." Y/n begs. The man rolls his eyes and smiles at the nurse.

"Alright, alright. Thanks again!"

Y/n sighs and smiles as she watches the man leave. She then goes behind the counter and begins to write down her latest notes, not noticing her husband around the corner.

"Hey you." Marius says as he leans on the counter.

"Hi, my love." She says with a smile.

"These are for you." Marius says cheerily as he pulls flowers from behind his back.

"Oh Marius, they're beautiful!" Y/n then comes around the counter and hugs Marius, her arms around his neck, his around her waist. He pulls away and connect their foreheads, still in each others arms.

"So, I was wondering if I could take you out tomorrow?"

"What for?"

"Well, tomorrow marks the anniversary of our first kiss-"

"Oh, I thought you forgot! I thought I was crazy for remembering!" She says with a laugh. He smiles at her and tightens his grip around her waist.

"Maybe it is crazy, but at least we'll be crazy together."

"I love you" she says tenderly.

"I love you t-"

"Ugh, get a room." Andreas groans as he enters. Andreas is a newer employee who had no trouble with making himself comfortable. He is a ladies man that feels he is superior to everyone else. Y/n dislikes him because he is always interrupting her and he is overall really annoying and self-involved.

Y/n rolls her eyes before releasing Marius. She then joins Andreas behind the counter. He was flipping through her notebook, to which she pulled towards her.

"Y/n, did you finish the-"

"Yes, and turned in early. That's why it's not here" she says pointing to the notebook. "Did you do it, Andreas?"


Y/n lets out a little laugh as she puts her notebook into a desk drawer. "Surprise, surprise."

Dr. Cassel and Jane then enter the room. Dr. Cassel was Y/n's boss, and the head doctor of the office. Dr. Cassel is extremely awkward, lonely and constantly nervous. He likes to avoid conflict; he never says no. Jane is the secretary of the office. She makes appointments, shops for supplies, just basic secretary things. Jane isn't the brightest though. She is as beautiful as she is daft. Very.

"Okay! Staff meeting, everybody. Staff meeting." Dr. Cassel announces.

"Doc, do you mind if I stay and wait for Y/n?" Marius asks as he leans on the counter in front of his wife, sparing her a loving glance as he says her name.

Dr. Cassel quietly sighs and grips his clipboard.

"I hate saying no but-"

Marius interrupts him by glaring at him as his fingers tapped on his crossed arms.

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now