grantaire; oh y/n

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A/N: some stuff you should know: h/c = hair colour and e/c = eye colour

Grantaire enters the meeting room with ridiculously red cheeks and a cheeky smile written on his lips. He walks ditzily and catches the rooms attention.

"Grantaire, you're late."

He nods with a toothless smile as he goes to sit in his usual seat.

"So R, what's it going to be today? Red or white?" Courfeyrac says holding up the two bottles.

"None. I'm good." He answers before leaning onto his hand and daydreaming. The boys all furrow their eyebrows at their friend's peculiar actions.

"R, do I need to take you to a hospital?" Jehan asks nervously, placing a hand on Grantaire's forehead.

"No, I am as perfect as a man can be." He says and sighs dreamily.

"Grantaire, what has happened that has made you so... weird?" Marius asks after pulling up a chair across from Grantaire. Grantaire sighs dreamily again.

"I met a girl."

Gasps fill the room, from all boys but one. Marius.

"How the turned tables. Wait, how the-" (if you got that reference, let's be best friends)

"You met a girl?"


"Who is she?"

Questions filled the room, until they were all silenced by Enjolras knocking on the table beside him.

"Shame that our meeting has to end so soon, but this is clearly a very important matter." He scoffs before continuing. "Grantaire's love life is more relevant than freeing France. You people are so-"

"So, tell us about her!" Jehan interrupts Enjolras. The boys are all sitting around Grantaire, leaning towards him, all interested to know which mademoiselle has broken their friend.

"Wait, Grantaire. If you calling a bottle of old red wine 'Esmerelda' means you meeting a girl, I am going to be really upset." Combferre says seriously.

"Her name is Y/n and she is truly an angel from heaven."

"Did he name the bottle Y/n?" Combferre joke-whispers to Courfeyrac, resulting in him getting elbowed in the stomach.

"She has the most beautiful h/c hair and the most breath-taking e/c eyes." He says before sighing again.

"Holy crap, you are so smitten!" Bahorel shouts.

"Maybe so..."

"Does she feel the same way?"

"I'm pretty sure she does." Grantaire says confidently.

"HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED!" Marius shouts, proud of himself that he remembered the saying but then realizing that he spent the whole time trying to remember it instead of listening. The boys all throw things at him or hit his head before turning back to the alcoholic.


"Yeah, but she keeps playing hard to get."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I like her a lot so I always talk about myself to impress her- oh like yesterday, I was talking about my biceps because they are nice and she just rolled her eyes at me. And last week, I was talking about my abs because they are nice and she called me vainglorious." The boys all look at their friend with dropped jaws and wide eyes.

"She is so into me." Grantaire finishes with a smile before blowing a curl out his face and leaning back in his chair with crossed arms.

"Um, R." Enjolras calls as he joins the group. "I don't think she is playing hard to get, I think she just really despises you."

Grantaire scoffs and leans forward again. "Oh really? If she despises me so much, why did she call me cocksure!"

"Man, read a book!" Jehan shouts.


Marius sighs loudly and folds his hands together. "Grantaire, she is calling you overweening."

"Why does she keep talking about my dick?"

The boys all laugh at Grantaire's lack of knowledge in this situation.

"Why do you laugh?! She's clearly talking about it! Cocksure, overweening, egotistical, cocky- oh no..." Grantaire's face drains and he leans back into his chair slouchily.

The rest of the boys keep laughing at their friend until the little blond speaks up.

"Everybody shut your mouths!"

The room goes silent.

"Look at me Grantaire." The for once sober man doesn't look up at Gavroche.

"Look at me!"

With raised eyebrows, he looks up.

"You are going to get this Y/n girl some flowers and you are going to apologize to her and ask for a fresh start because if not, you will become the laughing stock of the Café Musain, and you will never, ever get the girl." Gavroche says seriously, progressing closer and closer to Grantaire's face as he spoke. Grantaire gulps and nods before jumping out of his chair and going to buy flowers.

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now