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A/N: credit for plot and unchanged parts of the script go to the writers of friends.


Eponine is working on a bouquet of roses for a newly married bourgeois couple as Cecile enters.

"Hey, 'Ponine!" Cecile chirps as she grabs her own bouquet of roses to work on. "Hey Cecile, welcome back! How was Italy?" Eponine says, smile still planted on her face.

"You had sex, didn't you?"

Eponine drops a rose in shock. "How do you do that?" Cecile shrugs and smirks. "So? Who?" Eponine blushes as Griffin brings in the boss' regular wine order. "You know Griffin?" She asks, nodding in his direction.

"Griffin the Wine Guy? Oh yeah, I know Griffin." Cecile says with raised eyebrows and an even bigger smirk. "You mean you know Griffin like I know Griffin?" Eponine questions with furrowed eyebrows. Cecile chuckles and puts her flowers down to look at her co-worker. "Are you kidding? I take credit for Griffin. You know before me, there was no snap in his turtle for two years." She points to Eponine and goes back to work. Eponine's mouth creates and 'o' shape and then a straight line. She growls and turns away from Cecile to rip the roses in her hands into millions of pieces.


Like usual, the gang, except for Y/n, are at the café conversing about Eponine's situation.

Courfeyrac is sitting on the edge of the table with his feet on a chair laughing. "Of course it was a line!" Eponine paces around the table with her nails in her mouth. "Why?! Why? Why, why would anybody do something like that?!" Marius pretends to think. "I assume we're looking for an answer more sophisticated than 'to get you into bed.'"  Eponine rolls her eyes and groans loudly. "Is it me? Is it like I have some sort of beacon that only dogs and men with severe emotional problems can hear?"

"All right, come here." Cosette calls Eponine over to hug her. Eponine sighs in Cosette's hold. "I just thought he was nice, you know?" It all goes silent until Courfeyrac starts to burst out into laughter again. "I can't believe you didn't know it was a line!" Eponine and Cosette scowl and Eponine pushes him off of the table as Y/n enters with a big brown bag.


"Hey everybody! Guess what?" Y/n says excitedly. "You got a job?" Jehan asks also excitedly and hopefully. Y/n laughs. "Are you kidding? I'm trained for nothing! I was laughed out of twelve interviews today!"

"And yet you're surprisingly upbeat." Grantaire comments with a raised eyebrow. "You would be too if you found Dickens boots for a cheap price!" Y/n squeals and pulls out the boots.

"Oh, how well you know me..." Grantaire says sarcastically resulting in Marius laughing and Cosette hitting his chest lightly.

"They're my new 'I don't need a job, I don't need my parents, I've got great boots' boots!" Y/n pipes. She places the shoes back into the bag and sits at the table next to Enjolras. "Uh... Y/n" Cosette begins to call. Y/n responds with an hum as she admires the bag in her hands. "How'd you pay for the boots?" Y/n's eyes widen slightly and she looks down. "Uh, with francs and sous."

"And who gave you that?" Cosette questions again.

Y/n moves uncomfortably in her seat, head still down. "Um... my... father." She mumbles. Everybody raises their eyebrows and shares a glance that says 'are you thinking what I'm thinking?'


The full gang sits at the fountain near the Elephant of Bastille. Everyone is sitting around Y/n, who is on the fountain ledge grasping a bag of money on her lap. Y/n has the task of distributing that money to the poor, to start her life from scratch.

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now