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A/N: credit for plot and unchanged parts of the script go to the creators of one day at a time.

Y/n and Marius enter their home laughing with interlaced hands. In the living room, there are the Pontmercy boys, Pierre and Evan, Gavroche, Courfeyrac and Y/n's mother. Pierre is playing a hand game with Gavroche and Evan is reading a book about politics on the floor next to them. Courfeyrac was talking to Mrs. L/n on the couch that lay in front of the front door. Y/n and Marius then turn their heads from each other to the sound in the room with confusion. They weren't expecting such a... gathering.

"Hey, everyone?" Marius greeted, but it sounded more like a question.

Courfeyrac nods and gets up from his seat on the couch. "I picked up the boys from school and Gavroche wanted to come with."

Marius and Y/n nod their heads. Courfeyrac and Y/n are childhood best friends. They've known each other since birth and have been inseparable since. He actually introduced Marius and Y/n.

"Mama, what's your excuse?" Y/n asks her mother with raised eyebrows.

She stands up and walks to Courfeyrac's side. "I came to drop off some cake, but you weren't here, but Courfeyrac was, so I made myself comfortable."

"What else is new?" Marius mumbled, resulting in him getting elbowed in the stomach by his wife. Mrs. L/n was a widow. Her husband had passed away from old age and ever since his death, she has been spending her days baking. The Pontmercy's never complained because the cake was divine to eat but they still pitied the woman who lived in a large house alone. Y/n had asked her mother if she was interested in moving in with her, but she always refused as the house she lived in held too many memories. She also had a very thick french accent.

Y/n then exhaled loudly and threw her shawl onto the coat hanger, walking towards the couch, to which she sat on the armrest of.

"How was your day mama?" Evan Pontmercy asked, looking up from his book. Evan was an intelligent boy. He peaks interest in all things mathematics and history related. He is at the top of his class and is a true mama's boy. Evan is a true brainiac but does not succeed in physical sports. Marius always says that he gets his intelligence from Y/n, but she refuses to believe it. Evan is what one would call ahead of his time. Sometimes he even put his own mother to shame when it came to academic knowledge.

"Eh, it was alright."

"Alright? What happened?" Courfeyrac asked, knowing his best friend all too well. Y/n rolled her eyes and let her head fall back.

"Some guy that works with Y/n was being a dick." Marius says for you.

"Language!" Both Y/n and her mother shout.

Marius' lips make a straight line before he turns to the boys and sternly says "boys, don't ever say that word."

"That makes me want to say it more." Pierre Pontmercy said bluntly. Pierre was the complete opposite of his brother. He could play any sport thrown his way but could not achieve high grades like Evan. Pierre has a brilliant memory, but doesn't bother to put it to good use. On the upside, he does know a ton about horses and boats, based off of books that he chose to read instead of doing his homework. He was also a huge trouble-maker. He likes mischief and adventure.

Evan gets up and joins his mother on the couch, him sitting on the inside of the armrest. He puts arms around his mom's waist and leans into her.

"Mama, please tell us what happened. Maybe we can help!"

"Oh Ev, there is nothing you can do but you're so sweet for offering." She brushes his hair away from his forehead and kisses it. "You're such a good boy."

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now