enjolras; on wednesday's

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A/N: PLEASE READ! so it turns out i have too many parts in this story. i can make like 2 more chapters but that is all. thanks wattpad. so... should i make a book 2? i need comments or else i probably won't do it out of lack of motivation. please comment and enjoy!


Wednesday's were slow at the Café Musain

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Wednesday's were slow at the Café Musain. The only people that entered the café were the students, Madame Houcheloup, a few older men, and a fair maiden. The boys always had their meetings downstairs on Wednesday's. A vote was put in place for the location of meetings on Wednesday's because of the fair maiden. Enjolras wasn't very pleased with the results, and didn't quit understand why the boys all drooled over the girl they didn't even know the name of. He himself hadn't physically seen her, and his curiosity regularly lingered, but he pushed the feeling down and focused on one thing. The French Revolution.

The boys were all currently sitting at a long row of put together tables going over minor details about the barricade in case anybody were to be listening in. Enjolras was currently going over bullet count, and how many more were needed, but was interrupted by the loud shuffling of Courfeyrac across from him.

"She's here!" He whisper-shouts, almost falling out of his chair. The boys immediately look to the door to find the beautiful woman walk through the front entrance of the Café Musain. Enjolras' eyebrows furrowed at his friends' instant change of behaviour. They all quickly looked into silverware- like mirrors, and flattened their coats and hair. Grantaire had turned to Bossuet and asked him if he had anything in his teeth. He didn't. The beauty in blue sat down in front of Madame Houcheloup at the bar. She placed her book down onto the bar and began to chat with the older woman.

Enjolras didn't bother looking back to the girl. He kept his eyes forward on the maps, even though his curiosity was eating him alive. He knocked on the table to gain the boys' attention.


They all waved a hand to him, and kept their eyes glued to wonderful woman that came into the café every Wednesday to catch up with her tante (aunt), Madame Houcheloup. The man in red rolls his eyes and knocks again, this time harder. "Boys." He spat. They all sigh and turn back to the map.

"We're listening." Marius sighs, giving the girl one last glance. Enjolras nods his head and proceeds with the planning. Minutes passed and the boys' attention on the revolution was beginning to fade. The information went in through one ear and out the other. They were all leaning on their hands, or elbows staring at the mademoiselle once again. This obviously didn't go unnoticed by Enjolras. He sighs and rubs his temple, trying to keep his focus on the maps laid out in front of him.

"Y/n! That's amazing!" Madame exclaims. She walks around the bar and envelopes the young girl in a tight hug, to which she quickly returns. The boys all smile and turn to each other, content with the fact that they finally learned her name.

"Y/n." Combferre breathlessly says. The boys, except Enjolras, turn back to her. "It's rather fitting, hm?" They all promptly nod.

Enjolras' inquisitiveness grew intensely by the second. 'Who was this girl that kept the boys so distracted?' He thought to himself. 'Why were they all so obsessed with her?' He finally gives in to the spirit of inquiry. He turns around and sees the mademoiselle. She was smiling with Madame H, pointing to different parts of the open book in front of the pair.

Enjolras' breath hitched. To him, time stopped. The world had blurred, and only focused on her. The sight of her put Enjolras in bliss. He blinks, and lets his jaw slightly drop. She laughed with Madame about something, resulting in him softly sighing and joining the boys in their loving gazes.

"Hypocrite." Grantaire whispers to Enjolras, his eyes never leaving Y/n. The leader ignores the snarky comment and continues to watch the girl. She closed her book and walked around the bar. She put her hair up, and fastened it with a pencil.

"It'll help me raise money for the library." She states as she wraps an apron around her waist. "Dear, today's not going to earn you much. It's just the boys, you, and myself." Y/n smiles and grabs a piece of paper and a pencil.

"I'll manage."

Madame smiles at the girl and leans over the bar to lightly cup her cheek. "You're just like you're mother." Y/n shakes her head and pulls away. She walks around the bar, and begins to backwardly walk towards the boys.

"I am better than my mother. I respect all people no matter their race, sexual orientation, or wealth status. Being compared to mother is like being compared to a... a weasel!" Madame rolls her eyes and laughs before walking into the storage room for cleaning supplies.

The boys all notice Y/n's approaching figure and attempt to look normal. Enjolras, however, remained still in his place; lovestruck. Y/n smiles at the boys and turns to Enjolras, who happened to be right in front of her.

"Can I get you anything?"

He tried to speak but no words came out. His breathlessness confused Y/n. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Monsieur?" He shakes his head and rests his hands on the table behind him, now fully facing her.

"Can I pl-" his words halt when his hand slips off the table, causing him to stumble. He quickly composes himself, and 'coolly' rests his hands back onto the table, only for the same thing to happen. He stumbles and almost fully falls to the floor.

"I'll just come back later." Y/n cautiously says. She then walks back to the café bar.

"Yeah, that's cool- fine! It's f-fine! No problem. Fine. Thanks... anyway." Enjolras stutters.

"Smooth." Gavroche says as he passes Enjolras to go sit at the bar to talk to the new waitress.

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now