he accidentally hurts you

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A/N: this is for @whatyoumissonGLEE . thank you for voting on this book, it really means a lot! side note - your glee book is *chef kiss.* oh yeah and sam's hot. kk ENJOY

- it was early in the morning and he needed to get up early to meet combferre and marius regarding the revolution

- you were cuddled in his embrace, his arms around you and your head on his chest

- he began to roll you over onto your side of the bed but accidentally rolled you right off the bed

- a thud and his small gasp filled the room

- you sat up and held your head "ow"

- he immediately got off the bed and helped you up

- "oh my god y/n! i'm so sorry! i was just trying to move you to your side of the bed so that i could leave quietly and let you sleep and- ugh why do bad things happen to good people?!"

- "enjolras, it's okay. i'll live"

- he looks down and blushes before sheepishly saying "okay"

- you cleaning underneath a table in the "meeting room" of the café

- you were collecting crumbs when grantaire sneaked up on you and scared you, resulting in you jumping up and hitting your head on the top of the table

- "Y/N!"

- "AHH- OW!"

- he heard you groaning and joined you under the table

- "oh no... what the hell did i just do?"

- "oh i'll tell you what you just did, R. you-"

- "it was a rhetorical question y/n" he says as he pulls you into a hug and kisses your head lightly

- y'all were making out on his bed

- you both sat upright, facing each other. your hands were in his hair and his hands were cupping your cheek and holding the back of your head

- he started to lean you back as he continued to kiss you

- as he continued to lean you back, your head got hit on the corner of the wooden head board of the bed. it got hit real hard

- you pull away from the kiss to hold the back of your head and look to the head board

- "ow, dammit!"

- "oh my god! did i do that?"

- you look back to him and nod angrily

- he instantly pulls you into a hug and begins to whisper apologies over and over again

- "i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry"

- "relax courf, it's fine" you say with a chuckle as you hold him closer

- you and jehan were leaving for tonight's meeting

- he accidentally closed the door on your dress

- you were unaware of this and kept walking forward until you were pulled back by the fabric in the doorway. you fell backwards and hit the floor harshly

- "ouch..."

- "y/n! are you alright?"

- "yes, yes. i'm alright. please help me up" you said with a strain of voice

- "of course! what happ- oh..." he trails off as he sees your dress in the door

- "what? what's the problem?"

- "this is my fault! i'm sorry! your dress... ugh... door!... we walk!" he sputters

- "okay jehan, yeah, hi. i'm going to need you to calm down" you unlock the door and open it to pull out your dress "it's okay"

- he cups your face with his hands

- "are you sure? i didn't mean to, i promise! i would never want to hurt you in any way! i just-"

- you shut him up with a kiss. classic.

- he had recently learned to dance and had asked you to be his first

- at the end of the dance, he dipped you deeply, maybe a bit too deeply because he dropped you

- your body fell to the floor loudly and you groaned as you sat up on your elbows




- "combferre, stop yelling. i'm not dying"

- "right, sorry" he says as he holds some ice to your back and rubs your arm

- "y/n, i'm sorry. i thought i was going to be successful at dancing but i guess i was wrong. sorry, again"

- "comb, don't fret. that was fun, before the drop i mean- but still! the look on your face was priceless!"

- "yeah, yeah"

- you kiss him before resting your head on his chest as he continues to ice your back

- he took you to the bridge late at night for date

- the moon was shining on you two as he stepped closer to you and turned your face from the water under the bridge to him

- he lightly smiled at you before brushing hair out of your face and accidentally poking your eye

- "oh!" you mumble before placing your palm over your eye

- "i did not just poke you in the eye. i did not just poke you in the eye! y/n, i'm so sorry! are you okay?!"

- "yes. it's alright marius"

- "...how did i even do that?"

- "i honestly have no idea" you chuckle "but you know, a kiss under the starry sky might make me feel better" you tease

- he smiles widely before kissing you softly

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now