marius; don't you love me?

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AU: This is inspired by the scene in The Office where Jim confesses his love for Pam (🥺). It is changed up a bit for the sake of the story, so yeah.

Marius has offered to walk you home after today's meeting. The sky was dark and filled with almost no stars to see by the naked eye. There was a small breeze that blew your hair backwards as you walked with Marius, arm linked in his. The only sounds that filled the evening were the crickets chirping, the trees rustling with the slight wind and a man and a woman's laughter.

"Did you see Enjolras' face when Grantaire started laughing during his speech?!" Marius threw his head back in laughter before continuing on your statement.

"And when the room went dead silent and R let out a little 'uh oh!'" You grasped onto his arm to keep yourself standing upright. Their laughter soon dies down with a sigh.

"You know, y/n you had some good ideas about the barricade, why didn't you share?" "Oh well, I didn't think that they were very good, I mean they were just some ideas that came into my head. We need proper planning, not just some spur of the moment thoughts. I wasn't all too confident about it and... Oh my god. I'm rambling again. Marius, you need to stop me." You playfully hit him as he chuckles.

"Non, I refuse to interrupt her royal highness when she is speaking." "Ah yes. Bow down to me peasant." He releases your arm and bows down to you. You both laugh. You both start to make fun of the king and anything royalty related.

"Servant! My shoes seem to be on the wrong feet! Switch them! I would do it myself but I haven't seen my toes since I thirteen!" You mock with a posh accent that rolls r's and uses too many hand movements.

"He hasn't seen his toes because he's" he doesn't finish his sentence and just begins to laugh even harder.

His laughter dies down before your own as he finds himself staring at you laugh with your hand over your mouth and eyes creased. It was a beautiful sight. The moon above your smile was something that only occurred in a dream.

"Marius? Are you okay?" You ask with your laughter still in the process of decreasing to nothing. He doesn't answer and just continues to stare at you.

"Marius?" You now ask with seriousness. "Are you alright?" You ask again, placing your hand on his forehead. He gently grabs your hand and holds it to his chest.

"I am so in love with you."


"I love you y/n."

You should be excited to know that Marius feels the same way that you do, but you are not. Your mind flashes to Eponine and her feelings towards Marius. She may not have admitted them to you, but you weren't stupid.

"I can't." You say, slowly pulling your hand from his. Your gaze not daring to meet his, you stare at the cobblestone floor and shift from one foot to the other.

"Why? We'd be so great together." You sigh.

"I just can't tell you this. I'm so sorry Marius." He mirrors you and looks to the ground. His slight frown and tear brimmed eyes are majorly showcased by the moonlight.

"Do you not feel the same way?" He whispers. "Why don't you love me?" He asks a bit louder after a long pause of silence. You start to cry.

"Marius." You cup his face with your hands and make his eyes meet yours. "I do, in fact love you. But we cannot be as one. With the pressure of the revolution and other personal reasons it would be a disaster." He places his hands on yours and sniffles. He slowly nods.

"At least I know that the feeling is mutual." He tries to smile but a sob comes out instead. The same occurs to you. You both hug tightly, never wanting to let go.

The night is dead silent, no crickets, no breeze in nature and no laughter. You both pull away from the hug slowly and turn your heads to see that you have arrived at your establishment.

"Well, goodnight Marius." "Goodnight." You kiss his cheek and inhale a slow breath before leaving the oh-so-in-love man til' tomorrow.

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now