when they're sick

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A/N: please don't be ghost reader; vote and comment! it motivates me to write more please and thank youuuu

- "i'm fine y/n!" *starts coughing viciously*
- stubborn ass
- he throws tantrums, a lot of them
- "NOOOOOOO!" he whines and he kicks and screams like a spoiled little kid when their parents don't get them the new toy they wanted
- he eventually falls asleep on you and it's the cutest thing ever

- he can't have alcohol so he cries
- "but-but i want itttttttt" he is also a whiner
- he falls asleep easily, but is a nightmare when he wakes up
- "oh look it's my girlfriend, y/n. look at her with her not stuffy nose and clear voice, way to rub it in"
- "shut up and go back to sleep"

- he actually listens to you
- "drink water courf"
- "mmk"
- EXTREMELY upset with the fact that he can't kiss you
- "risk it?"

- doesn't complain because he gets to spend time with you
- cuddles with you
- his head is on your chest as you stroke your thumb along his cheekbone
- he makes a lot of unknown noises

- he's mad at everything
- "what the hell is that lamp?" *sniffles*
- always has his blanket over his head
- annoying
- "yyyyyyy/nnnnNNNNNNNN! I NEED YOU! please? Please? PLEASE?"

- he just wants you there
- "my throat hurts, hold me"
- his head rests on your stomach as you play with his hair
- he snores a little bit, but it's cute
- pees a million times a day because of all the water he drinks

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now