recreated couple cliches

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- dancing and kissing in the rain
+ it was half past midnight and you were sound asleep in your bedroom until a little tap sound stirred you in your sleep. the sound repeated until you got out of bed and looked out the window, where the sound was coming from
+ your beloved Enjolras was throwing pebbles at your window and was absolutely soaked. it was pouring outside
+ "Enjolras, what are you doing?"
+ "Get changed."
+ you shrug and quickly obey
+ "now what?"
+ "come down!"
+ "it's pouring rain!"
+ "it's just a little water"
+ you exhale and then climb down a vine that had been growing on the side of your house to reach Enjolras
+ you are instantly drenched in rain
+ Enjolras runs to you and picks you up bridal style
+ "Enjolras! Put me down!"
+ he places you back on the ground and steps away before offering you a hand
+ "shall we dance mademoiselle?" he asks, his eyes squinting from the rain
+ you grab his hand "we shall"
+ you both begin to slow dance in the rain
+ he hums a familiar tune resulting in you both smiling at each other and sharing a kiss

- shutting up someone by kissing them
+ you were ranting about wine bottles being everywhere
+ "ugh Grantaire! You need to clean up after yourself! I am not your mother or your maid or your serva-"
+ he kisses you mid-sentence, interrupting you
+ his hands on your cheeks and yours by your sides, still slightly ticked off
+ when he pulls away, he keeps your face in his hands
+ "i'll clean up the bottles and i will be more aware next time. sorry, mon chéri"

- fake yawn, arm over shoulder
+ you and Courfeyrac were having a lazy day
+ you both were on the couch reading
+ he was getting bored of his book, but you were still enticed
+ he scooted closer to you and pretended to yawn. he stretched his arms out, to put one around you
+ your eyes never left your book but you smiled
+ he then cuddled into your neck and asked you to read to him

- "there's something on your face"
+ you and Jehan were having a date night
+ he took you to a bakery, to which he bought you both strawberry filled desserts
+ you were sitting in the bakery enjoying your treats. he sat in front of you
+ "oh y/n, you've got a little something on..." he gestured to your upper lip
+ "oh"
+ you let your tongue slide across your upper lip
+ "did i get it?"
+ he smiles and shakes his head
+ "here, let me."
+ he leans over the table and kisses you
+"got it"
+ later that night, just before he dropped you off at your home he said "i've got a secret"
+ "oh, do tell"
+ "there was nothing on your face. i just wanted to kiss you. goodnight."
+ he pecks your lips before turning to leave to his own home

- matching outfits
- it was actually an accident
+ he came to your house to escort you to tonight's meeting
+ you wore a dark green dress, whilst he wore a dark green vest
+ you opened the door and smiled at your love
+ "bonsoir y/n" he greets and kisses your hand
+ "oh comb, you don't have to do that anymore"
+ he smiles at you and you link your arms together
+ once you reach the café, a tipsy Jehan walks by you and Combferre and raises an eyebrow
+ "so, you two come with a needle and thread?" he drunkenly asks
+ "huh?"
+ "your matching outfits. a needle and a thread because they come together" Jehan slurs
+ "okay Jehan, let's get you some water"
+ "DARK GREEN" Jehan shouts before running to the bathroom to throw up
+ "oh mon amour, i guess we are matching"
- you both now look back and laugh at this event

- wearing his clothing
+ you normally wear his jackets over your dress when it is cold out
+ you also wear his shirts to bed
+ "is that my shirt?"
+ "...maybe"
+ he won't admit it, but he loves it when you wear his clothes

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now