hot moments

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AU: this ain't smut because i don't write smut or lemon or whatever the proper name for it is. mmk? kind of cringe but whateverrrr

- you and the boys were currently at a rally, Enjolras had finished his speech just in time before the police came around to end the rally
- he had found you in the crowd and grabbed your hand before you both ran to the café and into the meeting room
- you were the first ones there. he sat at a round table and you stood on the opposite side of the table gripping the back of the wooden chair
"so, what did you think of the rally?" he asked still slightly out of breath from running
- "i thought you did really great." you smirk at him and crawl your hands across the small table to grasp his loose cravat.
- "you know, you looked extremely attractive when you were up there..." you begin to pull his cravat, bringing his face closer to yours.
- "r-really?" he asks, now breath hitched from your intimacy
- "mhm" you eye his lips and pull him even closer
- you are so close to each others lips, he begins to lean in but you turn your head and head towards the door
- "I'm going to get some water" with that, you exit the room leaving a stunned and blushing Enjolras
- "wow" is all he can spit out

- after a meeting, all the boys stayed back to converse about other things that don't involve the revolution
- Grantaire was at a corner table with you drinking away
- he was about to pour another glass but you stopped him by placing your hand in between the open bottle and cutlery
- "don't you think you've had enough?" you ask softly
- "please, this is nothing" he moves your hand and starts pouring the wine, not getting it in the glass. you push the glass to where he was pouring the liquid and grabbed a nearby napkin and wiped down the table
- he was about to take a sip but you cleared your throat
- "R, give me the glass." you say sternly and hold your hand out for it
- "no." he says and holds the glass high above his head. your eyes move from the glass to him
- "alright then, you leave me no choice" you get up from your seat and step over his legs with one leg, the other leg on the opposite side of his body. you wrap your arms around his neck and lean towards his face
- he instantly flushes red
- you bring one hand to his face and brush your thumb over his lip lightly, tickling it
- you lean in and place your lips on his and tongue into his mouth
- as you make out with him, your other hand reaches up to grab the wine glass that was no longer tight in his grip
- once you grab it, you get off of him and sit back into your seat, sipping out of the glass of wine, no longer making eye contact with him.
- he has wide eyes and scrambles up from his seat taking his jacket off the back of his chair and wrapping it around his waist
- "e-ex-excuse m-me." he runs out of the room and you just smile at how easy that was (SORRY)

- the two of you were fencing with each other
- he was backing you into a wall but you dodged his swing by ducking down
- when you got up he pushed you against a wall and kissed you passionately
- he then pulled away and poked you with his sword in the chest
- "good match" he said before walking way to put his sword away
- you were left stunned against the wall

- you were waiting for Jehan to finish getting ready for tonight's meeting
- he came out of your shared room and struggled to tie his cravat
- he walked to you and lifted his chin up
- "help." you smile and begin to tie his cravat
- he lets his head fall back down to watch you concentrate on the fabric
- you bite your lip as you begin to tie the last loop and you hear Jehan's breath hitch
- "are you okay?" you ask him worriedly
- "don't do that"
- "do what?" you are very confused
- "bite your lip, it's the most striking thing" you smirk
- "oh? is it now?" you tease before going back to the cravat that hung loose once again
- before your hands reach his cravat he pulls it off of his neck and throws it to the side of the room. he picks you up, places you flat on the couch and hovers over you. He begins kissing you roughly and you obviously kiss him back.
- he was in between your legs and your hands were tangled in his red hair

- you and Combferre were talking in an alleyway with some of the other boys waiting for everyone to show up to take a break from politics for the day
- your back was leaned against the brick and you had crossed arms. Combferre stood in front of you with crossed arms and a smiling face
- you laughed at one of his jokes and looked to the ground before back to him
- he looked you up and down and stepped towards you placing one hand by your head on the wall. his face was close to yours and your breath hitched
- "what do you say we ditch these guys?" you gulp and nod your head fast
- he smiles and pulls you off the wall by swinging his arm around your back and pulling you towards him
- "we will see you guys later" Combferre says as his hand slides down your back to your hips. you shudder and lean into his side more
- the boys that were there just nodded or waved and went back to their conversations
- he threw you over his shoulder and RAN back to your shared place
- he puts you down on your bed, hovers over you and begins to kiss you passionately

- you and Marius were in bed. you were reading a book and he was going over some lines for tomorrow's rally
- he began to stare at you over how gorgeous you looked right now. the candle on your side of the room made your skin glow and you had little pieces of hair falling over your face, framing it
- you felt his gaze burning a hole in your head so you turned to look at him but he didn't dare to look away
- "Marius, you're drooling." He then woke up from his love struck gaze and wiped his mouth with a nearby handkerchief
- you smirk and close your book, placing it on your nightstand. You crawl onto Marius' lap and kiss his neck
- "y-you didn't fin-finish your chapter" he says with a stutter, he was weak when you kissed his neck
- "it was getting boring anyway" he then smiles and grabs your face and kisses you and leans back, so that he is flat on his back with you on top of him
- y'all make out until sun rise

AU: so i was bored and made this. these situations can end in any way you want idc but um as i mentioned i don't write smut/lemon whatever tf it's called

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now