courfeyrac; a kiss

613 15 1

The meeting room was quiet. Odd, isn't it? The only sounds that were heard were the flipping and placing of cards.

The boys all sat around Y/n and Marius, watching their game of Briscan intently. (briscan was a famous card game back in the 1800's)

Marius had one of his hands in his hair and the other tightly holding his hand of cards, knuckles white.

Y/n sat back in her chair relaxed. Her bored eyes were on the wall behind Marius as he was taking quite a while to make a move. She had both her arms and legs crossed and she let her head fall back. She rolled her eyes and blew a piece of hair out of her face before leaning in towards her opponent.


"Never!" He shouts with his eyes never leaving his cards. He slams a card down confidently and leans back in his chair, mocking Y/n from before.

She raises her eyebrows at him and lets out a little chuckle. She sits back up and looks at her cards. She places them below her eyes and switches her gaze from the cards to Marius and back to the cards.

She flips a card on top of Marius' softly.

"I win."

She whispers. Not even a second goes by before the room is filled with cheers and laughter and groans from Marius.

"I can't believe this! How did you- you cheated!"

"No, I'm afraid I did not. But please, feel free to ask any of the men who were sitting behind me if you don't believe me."

He rolls his eyes and digs his hands into his pockets. He pulls out 18 francs and throws them onto the table towards the girl. She smiles and gathers the money, counting it in her hand.

"Pontmercy, I believe we agreed on 20 francs."

"Oh right, you can count." He scoffs and hands her another two francs to complete the pile.

"I need a drink." Marius says, getting up and running a hand through his hair and down his face.

"Can you pay for it?" Y/n says with a smile as she flicks a coin into the air. He sarcastically laughs and then exits the room.

Y/n was very well known for her insane talent in Briscan. She was undefeatable. She had bet all of the boys who dare challenged her over three times each, earning herself some good money.

As she shined a coin on her shoulder, Courfeyrac had taken Marius' seat and rested his arm on the back of it. He took in the sight of the girl. Her hair was tied back into a low bun with strands falling forward in front of her eyes. She had a small smile on her face as she looked up at her friend.

"Oh hey Courf. Did you see me win, again?"

"No need to get cocky with me, but yes I did. Quite the game."

"Indeed it was."

She smiles widely before putting the last coin away into her pocket. She then begins to pick up the cards from the table and tie an elastic around them.

"Let's play."

She looks up from the cards to Courfeyrac.

"You want to play me?"

"Yes. In fact, I want a prize when I win."

"If you win."

"What do you say?" He says smirking. She mirrors his expression and shakes his hand.

"You're on."

She then takes the elastic off of the cards and places the deck down to determine who will be the dealer.

- (i have no idea how to play this game so yeah don't expect any details on the game :))

The floor was now completely empty, except for Enjolras at his usual seat tiredly working. Y/n and Courfeyrac were still in a match.

He had been playing awful moves that Y/n easily took down. It was an easy win for her, but he was stalling the game with his stupidity.

Y/n was facing the same expression as before. Courfeyrac had his hand in his hair and knuckles white from holding the cards in his hand so tight. He shakily put down a card, to which Y/n then beat again. He huffed dramatically.

As Y/n put down her card, she already knew his next move. It was clear that he was low on kings and queens, so- then he did the unexpected.

"I win."

He whispered, like she had previously.

"How did you? There's no way... alright, what do you want?"

She sighs and reaches for her pocket. She pulls out the coins and places them onto the table.

"I don't want money."

That was good enough for her, she immediately pulled the coins towards her and shoved them back into her pocket in relief. She turned back to him and laced her hands together on top of the table.

"So, what do you want then?"

"A kiss."

Her eyes widen and her head shakes. Her hands unlace and she leans back.


"A kiss. Where your lips touch mine." He says before puckering up his lips and leaning in.

She laughs and looks away.

"No, there has got to be something else-"

"No. I want a kiss from you."

She scoffs and crosses her arms.

"It's not happening."

"Oh yes it is. You agreed. We shook on it."

She opens her mouth to say something back then closes it, exhaling loudly in the process. She rolls her eyes before saying



He begins to dust himself off and walk towards your seated position on your chair. He stands in front of you rolling his lips in and out, a smirk still present on his face.

He was being annoying and Y/n didn't like it. She reaches an arm up and grabs his cravat, yanking him towards her. She pulls him into a short kiss, that he wasn't ready for. His eyes were wide but before he got to kiss her back, she pulled away and pushed him away by a finger on the nose.

She gets up and collects the cards quickly, putting an elastic around them. She then puts the cards in her pocket along with her money.

Courfeyrac is still stuck in a crouched down position from where Y/n had pulled him. His face read lovestruck and he was paralyzed with awe and shock.

"Goodnight Enjolras."

Y/n says as she grabs her coat from the coat hanger. Enjolras waves his hand goodbye to her, his eyes glued to his papers.

Y/n walks to the doorway but stops and turns her body slightly to face Courfeyrac.

"Goodnight Courfeyrac."

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now