enjolras; jealous

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It was late, like really late. But, you and the boys hung around the café anyways, despite the boys having classes and you, work.

You all were in good times as you drank and sang the night away.

You were holding a beer in your hand as you laughed with Grantaire on the table by the window. Both of your feet were laying upon one wood chair as you looked out the window and made inappropriate shapes with the stars.

"Oh my- look! Look at that one! It looks like a rabbit humping a-"

"Bear?" You interrupt in question, tilting your head.

"I was going to say that!" He says with a smile and turns to you. You both high five and look back to the stars with your drunk and dirty minds.

Enjolras sat a table literally eight steps away from you. His chair faced the view of you leaning onto Grantaire slightly as you pointed to a "constellation." He subtly scowled at the sight.

Courfeyrac, Marius, Combferre, Jehan, and Feuilly all sat around the man in red. They were examining maps on the sides of the table, keeping Enjolras' vision clear of you and his friend.

Yet again, he looked up to stare at you and Grantaire. You were pointing to another image with a present smile but it slightly faded when Grantaire had turned to you and told you that it was the "wrong graphic." Grantaire then smiled and wrapped one arm around your shoulder. He put his face by yours and moves your pointed finger to the left to get the perfect vision of a man with a spectacle making out with a lion.

Enjolras rolls his eyes and begins to tap his finger on the table repetitively.


"Mate? You there?"

He turns from you to his friends.


Courfeyrac followed where his gaze lay last to see Grantaire with an arm around you and your head on his shoulder, still watching the stars. He begins to laugh and shake his head.

"It's alright men, Enjolras has just been a little... distracted."

The leader furrows his eyebrows and stands, his hands flat on the table.

"Don't be ridiculous, I have been anything but distracted."

Courfeyrac suppresses a laugh.


"Nothing. It's nothing."

Enjolras rolls his eyes and sits back down.

He can't help but let his eyes fall back on you.

You looked messy, but the pretty kind of messy. Hair falling in front of your face, your dress sleeves rolled up, and your tired eyes struggling to stay open.

He let on a small smile which then disappeared when Grantaire kissed your forehead.

This did not go unnoticed by Courfeyrac. He looks up from the map and begins to, dramatically, stare at you lovingly. He sighs with fake content.

"Y/n truly is beautiful, no?"

The boys at the table, except for Enjolras who had just turned away, turn their heads to you.


"One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen."


The boys all agreed and then turned back to their work. Courfeyrac raises an eyebrow at Enjolras before continuing.

"Oh, I think she looks just divine under the moonlight. Makes me want to grab her by the waist and kiss her p-"

"Can we please get back to work?" Enjolras interrupts sternly, his eyes of fury still on the papers in front of him. His hand is curled into a fist beside the papers and his face was beginning to shade red.

"Alright." Courfeyrac says with his hands up in surrender.

"Thank you." He replies coldly and goes back to his work.

Throughout the course of the night, Enjolras had gotten no work done as he was too busy staring at you and Grantaire's closeness. He would always gulp or flare his nostrils whenever he saw you laughing at something Grantaire had said.

Of course, as time went on, Enjolras' jealousy became not so subtle.

The rest of the boys at the table had happened to notice Enjolras' empty paper and increased temper. They would always share knowing looks before turning back to their duties.

You and Grantaire were now sharing secrets and telling embarrassing stories about your friends. Yes, like children.

"Okay, okay. I am going to go 6 feet under for saying this but... Jehan has this mole on his lower back that looks like a goldfish."

You gasp and cover your mouth with your hands.

"No he doesn't!"

"Yes! He also has another one on his armpit that is shaped like a strawberry!"

You widen your eyes and begin to laugh.

"Oh! I know another secret!"

Enjolras had his eyes on the pair again. He had his lips pursed and was so close to just throwing Grantaire out the window. (this is so funny to me and idk why)

Grantaire had leaned into your ear and told you something, making you laugh even harder than before.

This caused a snap in Enjolras. He slammed his fist on the table. The boys jumped and stepped away from the table in shock from the sudden bang.

"What the hell does Y/n want to do with Grantaire?"

Enjolras spits, his eyes and crinkled nose still glued on you and Grantaire.

"Why do you care-"

"It's so annoying!"

The table falls silent and the boys all try to hide their smirks and hold back their remarks.

Enjolras grumbles something under his breath as he rests his head in between his arms on the table, running hands through his hair.

"I just... I can't focus with all their-their-"




"Stop!" Enjolras shouts, his hands slamming flat on the table in front of him.

"I like the quiet is all. I can't concentrate when he keeps touching her and-and laughing with her..." he says with his voice dying near the end.

"I'm concentrating just fine." Courfeyrac says with a smile and raised eyebrows at Marius.

"Oh. Oh, yeah me too. I'm all good."

"Same here." Jehan adds, catching on to what was occurring.

"Why? Does the thought of Y/n and Grantaire bother you?" Courfeyrac says with a smirk.

"What? No!" He responds with a crack in his voice.

Marius crosses his arms. "It doesn't bother you that he might ask her out on a date?"

"Or get the chance to kiss her?"

"Or hug and cherish her as his own?"

The boys begin to egg on Enjolras to just admit what they already know.

"It doesn't bother you that Grantaire might get to marry Y/n-"

That set the flame.


He yells, grabbing the attention of the whole room, including you and Grantaire. Wide eyes all stare at the man who's jacket matched his cheeks.

He was breathing loudly as he stood over his papers. He looked down at the table and grips the sides of it. He lets out a deep breath before grabbing his things quickly and exiting the room.

"Dismissed." He says with another crack in his voice as he descends the stairs.

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now