60's enjolras; falling for ya

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A/N: this song is from teen beach movie ONE bc the second one is never to be spoken of. anyway, falling for ya sung by grace philips is incorporated in this imagine and does not belong to me. LISTEN TO THE SONG. I REPEAT. LISTEN TO THE SONG. THERE IS A MUSIC BREAK THAT OCCURS JUST BEFORE THE FINAL CHORUS THAT PLAYS A REALLY IMPORTANT PART IN THIS IMAGINE!!!!!!


- the boys had dragged me to a ridiculous beach house, in attempt to pick up chicks

- i HATED it here and i did not try to hide it

- "so enjy, anyone catch your eye?" courfeyrac asks as he winks at a girl passing by

- "no. let's leave"

- i try to walk out but combferre grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me back

- "listen here pal, one of these girls could be the lucky one stand of alexandre enjolras. just live a little, alright? pick a girl and get some!" combferre says with a shaking fist

- i roll my eyes "i don't want to get some"

- he then rolls his eyes "alright, then maybe one of these girls could be your future wife. who knows? god man, you're really raining on this parade. now grow a pair and talk to a chick"

- "i am not going to find love in some dump where the music is too loud and the people are sweaty"

- "you never know" combferre slurs before going to flirt with a passing brunette

- the rest of the boys begin to bombard me with choices of women around the room

- "what about the one in blue?"

- "the redhead?"

- "she's got a nice smile- actually wait. dibs!"

- i run a hand through my hair before pushing my friends away and walking towards the dance floor- not to dance! i am crossing through it to get to the bar on the other side of the room

- as i walk through couples slow dancing i keep my head to the floor to avoid making eye contact with any absent-minded girls

and now i'm falling for ya, falling for ya
i know I shouldn't but i
i just can't stop myself from
falling for ya, falling for ya
can't hold on any longer
and now i'm falling for ya

- out of the corner of my eye, i see courfeyrac making out with the redhead that was mentioned earlier. disgusting.

it feels like i tumbled from another world
into your arms and it's so secure
maybe i'll stumble but i know for sure
head over heels i'm gonna be your girl

- the music becomes instrumental as i near the center of the dance floor, head still down


- just before the end of the instrumental a girl who was also walking with her head down bumped into my chest and began to fall backwards, until i caught her

- just before the end of the instrumental a girl who was also walking with her head down bumped into my chest and began to fall backwards, until i caught her

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and now i'm
falling for ya, falling for ya
i know i shouldn't but i
i just can't stop myself from
falling for ya, falling for ya

- she and i stayed in each other's embrace, her just as lovestruck as i

can't hold on any longer
and now i'm falling for you

- i slowly begin lift her up straight, our eyes never breaking contact

- "hi" i whisper out hoarsely, a small smile resident on my face

- "hi" she responds breathlessly

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now