enjolras; proposal

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AU: this has a make out scene, so uh you know. nothing happens after it's just kissing

The meeting had ended a bit over twenty minutes ago and you and the boys stayed back to hang out, as usual. Enjolras was hugging you from behind and you were holding his arms as you conversed with Jehan and Marius.

"Don't waste your money. The bakery by the Elephant has awful croissants, it's like eating rocks" you say as Enjolras places his chin onto your shoulder. You lean your head back to peck Enjolras' cheek. He then leans into you further to kiss you. You pull away and go back to your conversation.

"What about the crepes? Those any good?" Marius asks you. You think about it for a second as you look up to the ceiling to help you remember when you had a crepe last. As you lower your head Enjolras starts pecking your neck.

"Oh yeah. The c-crepe's are alright, but could be better." You slightly stutter as Enjolras distracts you.

"What are you doing, dear?" You whisper and practically spit out the word 'dear' to Enjolras as he pecks your jaw.

"I'm" he pecks your neck again "bored" he then pecks just under your jaw, your weak spot. Your knees feel like they are about to buckle so you quickly grab one of Enjolras' hands and start to pull him into the café bathroom. He lets you pull him and he waves to his friends with a smile on his face. The bathroom was luckily just next door, you yanked the door open threw Enjolras in, locking the door behind you. Once you lock the door, you push Enjolras up against the wall and start kissing him roughly.

In between kisses you say "why do you always do that?"

"Because it always works." He also said in between kisses. He brought one hand to the back of your neck, pulling you even closer and the other around your waist. Your hands move up and down his chest and abs before moving to his blond curls. Your fingers tangle into them as you move your hands from the bottom of his neck to the middle of his head. Your lips move in sync and you just can't get enough of each other.

"We-we can't do this every meet-ting Enjolras" you say as he picks you up with one hand and places you onto the bathroom counter, still kissing you. He stands in between your legs and begins to lean you back with him on top of you, his feet still planted on the floor.

"You do remember t-that you brought me in here, right?" He teases still kissing you. You manage to let out a 'shut up' before going back to making out.

As your hands run down his chest, he pulls away from the kiss and stares at you. You both were out of breath and your inhales and exhales filled the room.

"Y/n, I love you so much" he whispers, still hovering over you. You smile and pull his cravat to make his lips meet yours. Both of you smile into the more calm kiss.

"I love you too." He wraps his arms around your back and pulls you up. He then sits next to you on the counter and puts an around you to which you lean into. You sit in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes until he breaks it.

"Do you ever think about the future?"

"Of course. I mean we are planning a revolution. Freeing France and watching people live in a democracy is som-"

"No, y/n, I mean like other aspects of the future?"


"Um, just off of the top of my head am I a part of it?" He says nervously. You look into his eyes.

"Do you want to be a part of it?"

He holds your hands, never breaking eye contact. "Yes, I do. Do you want to be a part of mine?"

"Yes." You nod and lean in to kiss him. You kiss softly, his hands still holding yours.

"Thank the Lord you said that." He says as he releases your hands and jumps off the counter.

"I'll be right back, stay here." You hesitantly nod with knitted eyebrows. He leaves the bathroom and goes back into the meeting room. You hear voices say

"Enjolras is getting some!"

"You guys do this every time."

"It's spit swapping time, leave em alone." You shake your head and laugh at Gavroche's comment.

Then it all goes silent for a split second before you hear gasps and shushing.

Enjolras enters the bathroom with a red face and smile.

"Everything okay?" You ask as he closes the door.

"Perfect." He comes to peck your cheek before stepping back from the counter.

"Y/n..." He looks to the ground and shoves his hand in his pocket.

"Enjolras, what is it? You're starting to worry me." He takes a deep breath and pulls out a red velvet box. He sets himself down on one knee and holds the box to you. Your mouth falls open in shock and you let your hands clench each other by your chest. He opens the box and inside reveals a beautiful silver ring, but you don't focus on the ring, you focus on the man you love proposing to you.

"For the longest time, I've said that love was a distraction and a waste of time. I always scoffed at couples holding hands and saying the words 'I love you.' But that all changed when I met you. From the day I saw you I knew that I wanted to get to know you. You intrigued me and you still do. Y/n, you and I are now that couple that holds hands, and says 'I love you' and leaves their friends to go make out. I want to you to be my wife. I want to come home to you, have you be the first thing I see when I wake and the last thing I see before I sleep. I want to have a family with you and grow old with you. You, y/n l/n are my dream girl, the perfect girl for me, my soulmate. I love you with every part of me and I can't wait to start my future with you. Will you marry me?"

You choke back a sob and nod your head fast repetitively. He smiles and gets up to place the ring on your finger. You grab the collar of his shirt and kiss him as tears flow down your cheeks. His arms wrap around your waist and he slightly leans you back. Your moment is disrupted by a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey open up! I want to see my new parents!" Gavroche shouts from the other side of the door.

"Come in guys" Enjolras shouts, still holding you in his arms.

The boys enter the room and start clapping and cheering for you. You hide your face in Enjolras' shirt and his hands move up from your waist to the top of your back. He smiles at his friends and then kisses your forehead.

"I call maid of honour!" Grantaire calls.

A/N: so i just realized that i have been putting the letters AU in front of all my author notes, yeah it's supposed to be
A/N. i'm dumb. anyways i got 🦋🦋🦋 writing this... please don't be a ghost reader and comment what you thought about this chapter and others please ty

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