grantaire; beer? coffee? um

670 13 1

Y/n sat at the Café Musain's bar, picking at her nails out of boredom. She was waiting for her brother, Feuilly, to finish up with his political meeting. She blew raspberries and let her eyes look around the café.

"Bored, are you?" Madame Houcheloup asks as she cleans the counter. Y/n raises her hands off the counter so that Madame could clean that area. "Extremely." She laughs and gives Y/n the consent to put her hands back down.

"You know, Y/n, I feel like you and I don't talk a lot. We see each other a lot, but don't speak. I wish to get to know you because, well I need a girlfriend considering how many stupid boys I am constantly around." Y/n chuckles and agrees with her. Madame puts the rag she held into a bucket of water under the counter and leans on her elbows to start gossiping with Y/n.

"So..." she trailed, resulting in Y/n raising an eyebrow at her. "What's going on between you and Grantaire?" Y/n's eyes slightly widen and she shakes her head.

"Wh-?!" She gets interrupted by a man in a grey jacket asking for a beer. "No, I'm busy." Madame says, never breaking eye contact with Y/n. The man leaves and Madame H begins to pry in on the subject of Y/n's love life.

"Don't be daft with me. I see the way that you two look at each other, it's like reading a fairy tale book." Y/n's mouth dangles open and she stammers, not knowing what to say.

"I-I-" The meeting room door then flung open and the boys filed out. "Madame, I assure you there is nothing going on between Grantaire and I." She purses her lips together and sarcastically makes a 'mhm' sound.


"Oh dear, you're as red as blood." Y/n furrows her eyebrows and brings her hands up to cover her hot cheeks. Feuilly then comes up behind Y/n and startles her.

"Feuilly!" Y/n shouts and slaps his arm. "Ow! Why so rough?" She rolls her eyes at him. "What's got your panties in a twist? God." He got another slap. "OW! Sorry, damn. Anyways, if you're done abusing me I just thought you should know I'm staying here for a bit and that means you are too." Y/n groans and lets her head fall back.

"Why?" She whines. He ignores her and orders two beers, one for himself and the other for his "abusive" sister.

"Enjoy." Feuilly says after he places the bottle of beer in front of his sister. He begins to leave until he steps back to tease her one more time. "Oh, be sure to take small sips. We wouldn't want you to get a tummy ache now would we?" He jokes. Yeah, he got slapped again. He holds his arm and laughs as he leaves to his friends. Y/n rolls her eyes and groans again. She grabs the beer and is about to take a sip until it is taken from her hand.

"Oh, Y/n. You're so sweet to have a beer ready for me when I'm done with work." Y/n doesn't even have to turn around to know who said the snarky comment. She decides to play along. With a smirk, she begins to speak in a high pitched voice, her back still to the man she knew all too well.

"Oh, why of course! For I have nothing better to do with myself since I am such a helpless, useless, vacuous, vulnerable woman." She hears a groan from behind her, meaning she has won. "You know, you ruin it when you do that." Grantaire says as he leans on the counter beside her. She finally turns to him. "So sorry to ravage your games!" Y/n says sarcastically. Grantaire laughs as he raises the bottle to his lips.

"Uh, no!" Y/n says before grabbing the bottle from his grasp. Grantaire lets out a dramatic gasp and puts his hands over his heart before taking the bottle back.


Y/n holds the top of the bottle and Grantaire holds the bottom, each pulling it towards them. Y/n pulls the bottle to her lips, kissing the top messily.

"HA! Bet you don't want to drink it now, huh?" She says triumphantly. Grantaire scoffs.

"Please. Two things. One, a little saliva will never separate me and this beer. And two, this bottle just got kissed by you. That makes me want the bottle more. I'm so jealous of it." This takes Y/n off guard and she stares at him with furrowed eyebrows. Her grip becomes loose and Grantaire rips the bottle from her small hands.

"AHA! I GOT IT!" Everybody in the bar turns to look at him. "Sorry." They all go back to conversing and drinking. Y/n snaps out of whatever daydream she was in and goes to grab the bottle again.

"Oh no! If you think you are getting this beer you are so wrong!" She grabs the beer and they go back to arguing over it. Grantaire then lifts the bottle above both of their heads.

"I win. Accept it." He says with a smirk.

"NEVER!" She jumps up and knocks Grantaire off his feet. Both he and Y/n fall onto the floor. Grantaire lays on the floor with Y/n on top of him, noses touching. His arms are stretched up past his head, beer included. Their panting and red cheeks match as they stare into each others eyes. Grantaire accidentally drops the bottle of beer but neither take notice. Grantaire's eyes switch from Y/n's eyes to her pink lips.

"Oh my god. Get up idiots!" Feuilly shouts. Y/n immediately scrambles off of Grantaire. He lingers on the ground for a little while longer, processing what had just happened.

"R!" Feuilly shouts again.

He then gets up and dusts himself off. His cheeks are still very red, as are Y/n's. Feuilly walks over to Y/n and places an arm around her shoulder. "You okay?" He whispers. She nods. "We're leaving in 5, be ready." He says before leaving her side to talk to his friends again. Y/n stares at the floor in shock until Grantaire blocks her view. She looks up at him and both their cheeks flush red again.

"Y/n... do you, uh, do you want to split a beer? Sometime? Or maybe not a beer because that makes no sense, but maybe some coffee- wait why would we split coffee. What about-"


barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now