courfeyrac; please?

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A/N: can someone please explain to me what is happening with eddie redmayne?? also, i didn't proofread this so, yeah sorry

The café erupts with cheers as Joly slides a golden band around Musichetta's finger. The newly engaged woman pulls the doctor in for a kiss by the collar, making the room scream louder.

"Y/n, get the bottle!"

"I'm already on it R!"

Y/n smiles and pats Musichetta's before exiting the meeting room to grab a bottle of champagne.

"What is heavens is going on up there?" Madame Houcheloup asks, giving a man his order of drink.

"Joly and Musichetta are to be married!" Y/n exclaims. She places the bottle she had just received down onto the bar in front of her and smiles widely. "Isn't she lucky?" Madame nods her head and goes behind Y/n to tie her apron that had been falling.

"Merci." She whispers to the motherly figure as she begins to open the large bottle. Madame pats her back to signal that she was finished tieing the knot, to this, Y/n makes her way back up the rickety stairs and back into the booming room. She enters and is immediately greeted by Grantaire's open arms (for the bottle, not the girl). She rolls her eyes and hands him the bottle and the glasses she had picked up previously.

"We shall officially wed in the spring!" Joly announces with his soon-to-be wife in his chest. The crowd erupts again and the atmosphere couldn't be more jovial.

"There you are!" Courfeyrac calls as he passes by Gavroche and Grantaire fighting over the bottle. He approaches the waitress and envelopes her into a hug, to which she pulls away from. This was normal behaviour between Courfeyrac and Y/n. He would be incredibly cuddly lovable around her and she would always dismiss his actions.

"Oh what? No hug for me? Not even on this special occasion?"

She scoffs and begins to wipe down a table. "France could be freed and you still wouldn't receive a hug from me." She walks past him, stuffing the dirty rag into one of her apron pockets.

"How rude." (like stephanie from full house ;)) Courfeyrac comments dramatically. He mumbles an 'oh' and takes the strings on the back of Y/n's apron into his hands. Her step comes to halt and she gasps slightly.

"What are you doing?!"

"Your apron is loose." He says nonchalantly as he begins to tie the knot. Y/n rolls her eyes and crosses her arms waiting for him to finish.

"So, Joly and 'Chetta huh?" He asks as he loops one string around the other. She hums an agreement, looking around the room. She lets out a small laugh at the sight of Enjolras rolling his eyes at Grantaire's attempt at an Irish step dance.

"I'm really hoping that I will be asked to be a bridesmaid." She says as Joly kisses his fiancé's forehead. Y/n smiles at the sight.

"I guarantee that you will be a bridesmaid. You and 'Chetta have been friends for I don't even know how long." Y/n nods her head at his words and uncrosses her arms to stop Gavroche's running. As she held a hand out in front of him, he bounced up and down, anxiously waiting for permission to run again.

"Gav, slow down. You're going to hurt someone, or worse, break something." Courfeyrac laughs from behind her. "Gavroche here has got himself an admirer." Y/n raises an eyebrow and turns the energetic boy to face her.

"Who is this mademoiselle?"

"Her name's Amy! She has red hair and brown eyes! I like her a lot!" He shouts, still jumping up and down.

"Has she got you jumping for joy?" Y/n asks in confusion as to why the boy was being a nutjob. Courfeyrac chuckles again, still tieing Y/n's apron. "Amy gave him some candy as a way to ask him on a date-"

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now