getting caught while having a cute moment

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A/N: this is lazy :/

- you had BEGGED him to make cookies with you and ofc he gave in
- he was standing beside you watching you mix the batter, a small smile on his face
- *cue grantaire's quiet entrance*
- he slightly chuckled at your focused expression, resulting in you looking up at him
- "what are you looking at?"
- "you"
- "why?"
- "because you're pretty"
- "...shUt uPPPP" you whine, throwing some flour in his face
- y'all made a mess
- you threw more flour in his face, to which he laughed at you before picking you up by the hips
- he held your legs by his head as he spun you around in the air
- "are you guys going to need a mop?" grantaire interrupts

- you and grantaire had invited the boys over for dinner
- it was currently after dinner and y'all were just hanging around in the living room
- you and grantaire sat on the couch facing each other playing a hand game; where you try to hit the other's hands as they pull their hands away
- you had lost several rounds to him
- "okay, let me try on you"
- "you're gonna loseeeee"
- "shush. put your hands out"
- he puts his hands out, palms facing up
- you try to slap them, but he pulled away too fast
- he chuckles and puts his hands out again
- you eye his hands and his lips
- you lean in and kiss him, throwing him off guard
- you pull away and then slap his hands
- "aHA! GOTCHA!"
- "hey! y-you cheated!"
- "nu-uh!"
- "you know what?" he mumbles before tackling you
- your back is flat on the couch and he hovers over you, covering you in kisses, to which you can't help but laugh at
- "okay, we get it you're happy"

- you were painting out in your front yard
- courfeyrac came to hug you from behind, which distracted you from your art
- "hEY, you could have messed it up!"
- "sorryyyyyy"
- you dipped your finger in blue paint and put it on his nose before going back to your canvas
- he then dipped his hand in red paint and softly put a red hand print on your cheek
- you GASP and then paint wars breakout
- you both get different colours over each other
- somehow y'all ended up on the ground. he was hovering over you
- anyone know that kissing scene from 10 Things I Hate About You, well yeah, it's the the paintball kiss scene
- enjolras approached the yard and rolled his eyes at you two
- "you guys are so annoying"

- he sat across the room from you speaking to combferre
- he was staring at you, until you locked eyes
- he blushed and sent you a dramatic kiss, to which you laughed at and mimicked
- that went on for a while until combferre entered the chat
- "jehan, stop air making out and listen"

- very small, but cute moment
- he had an arm around you as you both walked towards the café
- when y'all entered he took both of your coats and hung them up before joining you at a table
- he sat next to you and kisses your nose, to which you scrunched up your nose
- he laughed and began to lean in to kiss your lips until a high pitched clearing of a throat was heard
- "i was promised a pastry" gavroche says, crossing his arms and looking at you

- y'all were walking to the café
- "let's race!" you shout before darting to the café
- "hey! you didn't count down!"
- he ran after you and it didn't take him long to catch up
- he caught up to you and picked you up by the waist from behind and spun you around in the air
- "courf, can i have a girlfriend?"
- he just wants gav to stay pure forever

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now