enjolras; popcorn party

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It was currently a quarter past noon. You were skipping to the café with a large basket and a smile. The basket held pop corn and a seat cushion. Last meeting, Courfeyrac thought that it would be hilarious if he stood behind you and blew air into his arm, making it look like you farted.

That was embarrassing...

But, you planned to get him back. The popcorn was to go under his seat and covered with the seat cushion. You would give him some popcorn beforehand to tease. The popcorn was currently dry, but you were going to cover it in syrup. You smile mischievously as you step into the empty café. You nod at Madame and she raises an eyebrow at your facial expression. You ignore it and begin to walk up the stairs.

You couldn't wait to see his face! You would remove the cushion right before he sat down and-


Your thoughts are interrupted by the striking man in red. Your smile falls and eyebrows furrows. "Enjolras? What, uh, what are you doing here?" You stammer, trying to subtly hide the basket behind your legs.

"I'm always here. The real question is what are you doing here?" He says, turning his body fully to you in his seat, where he always sat. "Me? What am I doing here? Good question!" You, terribly, lie as you look around the room. "Did I get lost-" "Y/n. Jehan is a better liar than you. What are you doing here?" You sigh and walk over to a table to place the basket on.

"This is going to sound childish... but I came early to set up a prank for Courfeyrac." He nods and looks to the basket. "Were you going to force feed him?" Your eyes quickly turn from him to the basket and you let out a small laugh. "No, no. I had this whole thing set up, but now you're here and you're probably going to tell him because you're best friends." He gets up from his seat and stands by your side. He nudges your shoulder.

"I won't tell him."

You look up to him and shake your head. "Oh, I don't believe that for a second!" He rolls his eyes and smiles. "I won't. I promise." You roll your own eyes and turn back to the basket, fiddling with the handle of it.

"Well, you interrupted my silence. The least you can do is give me a piece of your prank." He says. You sigh and carefully take out a piece. "Fine." You hand it to him, hands brushing in the process. He gives you a side smile before turning around to walk back to his desk. Once he sits down, he flicks the popped corn into the air and into his mouth. You watch in awe, never knowing how to do it. Every time you would try it would either land on the floor, or in your eye- that unfortunately happened once...

"How did you do that?!" You gasp at him. He looks up from his parchment and furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Do what?" You push yourself off of the table and start to mime popping the imaginary kernel into your mouth. "That... thing!" He snorts and raises an eyebrows at you.

"You can't flick popcorn into your mouth?"

You cross your arms. "No, Enjolras. I can't." He laughs and turns away. He looks from the papers to you. He then lifts himself out of his chair and walks past you to the large basket.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just- think fast!" He throws a piece of popcorn towards your face, it ends up hitting your nose. You scrunch up your nose and uncross your arms. "Enjolras!" "You were right. You can't do it." You flare your nostrils and speak as you approach the basket. "Well, I can't catch it if you're throwing me off guard."

He tisks. "Excuses, excuses, excuses." He crosses his arms and leans on the table, watching you poke through the basket for the perfect piece of popcorn to flick. You smile at the sight of a pale and round piece. You step back and make sure that he is watching.


"To see you fail? Indeed, I am." He says with a chuckle, turning his body fully towards you with his arms still crossed. You bend your knees and flick the piece of popcorn into the air. Both sets of eyes watch the kernel fly into the air and completely miss your mouth. It hides the side of your nose and falls to the wooden floor.

"God dammit." You curse to yourself. Enjolras begins to slowly clap his hands. "Nicely done. A conclusion I was not expecting." He sarcastically says. You roll your eyes and start walking to the basket to take it home. Just before you grab the handle, he takes it and holds it above his head, out of your reach to prevent you from taking it.

"You're not leaving here until you catch a piece of popcorn."


"Oh, come on L/n. It'll be fun." He takes out another piece of popcorn and flicks it into his mouth, eyeing you. He chews it and raises an eyebrow. You look at the basket and smile. "Okay. I'm going to catch one!" "You're going to catch one." He places the basket back onto the table and gives you a piece. You repeat your stance and action and once again, fail.

"Okay, I give up. Bye Enjolras." You begin to walk away but his gentle grip on your wrist stops you. He chuckles and pulls you towards him. "Just focus on the kernel flying. Draw your face in its direction. Got it?" You nod and take another piece.

The same occurs over, and over again. You never getting that stupid piece of popcorn in your mouth. Until finally, you do. It flies into the air into your mouth, well, hitting the side of your lip and crawling in- but still! You chew the popcorn and widen your eyes at the man before you.

"Oh my- did I just?"

He nods head with a wide grin. You squeal and jump in the air, pumping your fists in victory. You scream in excitement and jump into Enjolras' arms. He slightly stumbles back, but immediately after wraps his arms around your waist. You mumble thanks to him in his shoulder. You both hold your close embrace. He digs his head further into the crook of your neck, and you tighten your arms around his neck.

"You had a popcorn party without me?!" A high pitch voice whines, making you instantly jump out of Enjolras' arms and smooth out your dress. You then look around the room to see popcorn everywhere. It was even in both yours and Enjolras' hair. Somehow. You and Enjolras exchange a glance before you both burst out laughing. The boys soon join in, happy that their leader had his mind set on something other than the revolution.

Still laughing, Enjolras picks out a piece of popcorn from your hair. "Please come early again."

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now