enjolras; a different person

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A/N: ENJOLRAS IS BACK! somewhere over the rainbow is in this btw. i do not own this song and we will pretend that it fits to the year 1832.


"Vive la France!"

Everyone in the room sounds before exiting the meeting room to converse on the main floor or leave the café to see their families or empty apartments. Today, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity of leading the meeting. I sat down in Enjolras' usual seat and smiled to myself. I think I did well, not as well as Enjolras, but well. Earlier this evening, Y/n had sent Eponine to tell me that Enjolras was sick and wouldn't be able to make it, hence my opportunity.

"Here you go." Combferre says as he hands me notes from today's meeting. "Great work today Marius." I smile and nod my head. "Thank you Comb'. I should get these to Enjolras." He nods and pats my back before leaving to help Bahorel lift a heavily drunken Grantaire. I tap the stack of papers on the table and begin to head out of the café to Enjolras and Y/n's apartment. I open the café's front doors and a large gust of wind hits my face. It was going to be a chilly night. I bid Madame Houcheloup farewell as she takes out the trash before tightly wrapping my jacket closer to my body and crossing the street. The wind picked up more as I approached their establishment. I tightened my grip on the notes and tucked my head into my coat before entering the building that led to the couple. Once the main door closed behind me I ran my hands over my arms and exhaled loudly. That was quite the trip. I begin to walk through the hallway of the building to look for Y/n and Enjolras' apartment.

"18...19... ah, 20." I don't even bother knocking, knowing that Enjolras had probably left the door unlocked by accident. I twist the knob and open the apartment door slowly and quietly. I was right. I look around the apartment for either Y/n or Enjolras, but they are nowhere to be found. That is until I heard Y/n's angelic voice from their shared bedroom. I furrow my eyebrows and approach the bedroom door. It was almost closed, there was just a small enough creak open for me to see the happy couple through. The two sat atop the bed, Y/n sitting upright and Enjolras with his head in her lap and arms around her waist. She twisted his golden curls around her finger as she sang a song that we all knew too well. The song that she sung to put Gavroche to sleep and calm us when we were agitated.

"Somewhere over the rainbow way up high."

I smiled at the tune.

"There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby."

I see Enjolras crack a small smile and cuddle deeper into her lap. She smiles and runs her petite hand through his curls before continuing the song.

"Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue. And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true."

I lean my head against the door frame, my eyes still set on the couple that I was secretly jealous of. Enjolras was lucky. He had found a woman who could deal with his bullshit. He found a woman who was intelligent,

"Someday I'll wish upon a star"

incredibly kind,

"And wake up where the clouds are far behind me"


"Where troubles melt like lemon drops"

and treated Enjolras like a king, to which he treated her as if she was a queen.

"Away above the chimney tops.That's where you'll find me"

I want what they have. I quietly sigh.

"Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly"

Enjolras sniffled before readjusting himself to place his nose in the crook of her neck, arms still around her waist. He snuggled his head further in as she continued to twirl his yellow curls around her fingers.

"Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh, why can't I?"

I smile again at the fact that Y/n could tame the so-called beast I call my best friend, but also the fact that he was a completely different person when he was alone with her. He was more gentle and clingy.

"If happy little bluebirds fly, beyond the rainbow"

Enjolras was fast asleep on his love and she smiled as she looked down at him. With one hand, she wrapped a curl around her pointer finger and with the other, she stroked his cheek bone softly, resulting in him smiling once again and snuggling even deeper into her neck.

"Why, oh, why can't I?"

She finished before kissing Enjolras' forehead and leaning her head back onto the headboard and slowly closing her eyes to join her boyfriend in sleep. I stare at the two for a little longer until I shake my head slowly and smile. I place the notes onto their kitchen table before exiting the apartment. The couple's moment never left my mind that night. It was engraved into my brain and it made me long and yearn for a relationship like theirs so much more.

Oh, to be in love...

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now