cute moments

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- the two of you were cuddling on his couch late at night
- he was sitting up right with his back against the arm of the couch while you were on his lap, head on his chest fast asleep
- he was staring down at you, admiring you
- he brought the hand that wasn't around your waist up to your cheek and began to rub his thumb along your cheekbone
- he smiled and kissed your forehead because he knew that he was a lucky man to have you in his life

- you and Grantaire were baking a cake together
- you knew what you were doing but he didn't
- you were placing the cake into the oven when you heard a thud and some murmured cursing
- you turn around to see Grantaire on the floor covered in flour
- you place your hands over your mouth and start to laugh before stepping towards your clumsy boyfriend
- "if i'm going down i'm taking you with me." he yanks you down to the floor by your hand and grabs a handful of flour and throws it in your face
- "Grantaire!" you laugh. you then grab a handful of sugar and pour it down his shirt
- "GAH! alright mademoiselle that's it!" he smiles and dips his finger into the almost empty bowl that held the batter. He applies the batter onto his lips like you would with lipstick before pouncing on top of you and covering you in kisses.

- you and Courfeyrac were in a meeting, sitting next to each other at the back of the room. your hands were on the table while his were in his lap.
- you both were a little bored and were very bad at hiding it
- Courfeyrac leaned slightly forward and laced your hand with his
- you look at him confused and he goes beet red
- "your hands are soft, so i must protect them." you raise an eyebrow at him
- "um, it's for an experiment" you smile and look down
- you lean in to kiss him but whisper something before reaching his lips
- "you don't have to ask permission or make up excuses to hold my hand" you then kiss his lips hard. he raises his eyebrows and places his hand on the back of your neck. you two start to make out but you pull away before it can progress.
- "not here, not now." you tease him and turn your head back to Enjolras.
- his eyes are wide and his mouth his agape before grabbing your hand and pulling you up to stand with him. he leads you out of the room but not before yelling very quickly
- "y/n and I are leaving now" he pulls you out of the room and closes the meeting room door. he pushes you up against the wall beside the door and kisses you with passion.
- he mumbles little 'i love you's' and 'you're perfect's' in between each kiss
- you guys missed the rest of the meeting

- it was morning and you had been awakened by the birds chirping loudly outside of your's and Jehan's bedroom window.
- you start unraveling yourself from his arms but before you can get up he yanks you back down into his arms
- "Jehan! I have to go to work." You laugh and begin to leave his grasp again but he grabs your hand once you are standing
- "no! stay with me! please!" he whines and pouts. "pleaseeeeeee?" he opens and closes his hands like a child begging for attention.
- you roll your eyes playfully before giving in
- "okay, but only five more minutes" you get into his embrace once again
- "ten minutes" he pecks your neck
- "six minutes" you try to argue with him, he pecks your shoulder
- "eight minutes" he pecks your jaw
- "seven minutes and that's final" you try to say seriously but end up smiling
- "fineeeee" he turns you around and pecks your lips

- you and Combferre were taking a walk around town
- your shoelace came undone but you didn't notice, however Combferre did
- he let go of your hand and bent down to tie your shoelace. when he was done, he got up, grabbed your hand and began walking again as if nothing had just occurred
- "Combferre, I'm not a princess. I can tie my own shoes." you chuckle. he shrugs nonchalantly.
- "I didn't want you to get hurt."
- "why do you do these things?"
- "what things?"
- "things I am perfectly capable of doing." you smirk.
- he stops walking and cups your face in his hands
- "there isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you because my job is to make you happy. I mean, it's only fair since you make me the happiest man on earth every single day." he smiles and pecks your nose before taking your hand again and continuing your stroll

- it was late at night and you and Marius were heading home from the latest meeting
- it was a rather beautiful night but it was very chilly
- you were trying to convince Marius to stay outside with you to watch the stars glisten in the sky but he refused
- "Marius, look! the deeper you look into the sky, the more stars appear. isn't that amazing?" you say while looking at the deep blue sky and slightly shivering. He smiles at you and shakes his head
- "Y/n, let's go home, you're freezing and I don't want you to catch a cold." he hugs you from behind and kisses your shoulder.
- "why do you care if I get sick?"
- "because I care for you. a lot." you smile and lace your fingers through his hands that were at your stomach.
- "and also, if you get sick, I can't kiss you"
- before you can respond he starts attacking the side of your face with loud kisses in which you respond to with loud laughter as you place one of your hands on his moving cheek and lean back into him

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now