someone walks in on you making out

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- grantaire walks in

+ you and enjolras were in the living room of his apartment making out
+ you both lay on the couch
+ you were flat on your back, and he towered over you with one of his hands holding your cheek and the other your waist
+ "enjolras! i need you to- oh hello friends!"
+ you both released your lips but stayed in each other's embrace. enjolras put the hand that was once on your cheek by your head and looked forward
+ enjolras sighed LOUDLY
+ "what is it grantaire?"
+ "i need you to go over this"
+ enjolras turns his head back to you and places his hand back onto your cheek and slightly through your hair before saying "i'll do it tomorrow. close the door"
+ and with that, he goes back to kissing you
+ "alrighty then, i'll leave you kids to it. bonsoir!" grantaire says before following enjolras' instruction

- marius walks in

+ you and grantaire were in the, now empty "meeting room" making out
+ you sat on his lap and had your hands through his hair. he had his hands around your waist and leaned you back faintly
+ marius bursts in looking for a paper he had left behind
+ "PONTMERCY!" both you and grantaire yell
+ marius jumps and faces you two
+ "what?"
+ "get out." grantaire says sternly, which comes to a shock to marius
+ "... you know what? i-i was just leaving. oh, and there's the thing that i need... right in front of you... how beneficial. i'll get it tomorrow, ba-bye!" marius rambles and mumbles
+ grantaire watches him leave the room. once the door is shut, he devours your face in kisses

- eponine walks in

+ you and courfeyrac were making out in an alley
+ your back was pressed against the wall, arms around courfeyrac's neck. he held your face with both of his hands in front of you, pressing you into the wall
+ eponine quickly joined you in the alley, in attempt to run away from her father- which was successful
+ you both noticed her presence but did not stop your make out session
+ y'all kept kissing and never stopped, even when eponine spoke
+ "you disgust me"
+ you both hum in response, completely ignoring her, and carry on with your kissingggg

- enjolras walks in

+ you and jehan were making out in the café bathroom
+ much like the enjolras proposal one shot, you sat atop the counter and jehan stood in between your legs
+ enjolras was leaning against the doorway with crossed arms as he cleared his throat loudly to declare his presence
+ you and jehan pull apart and look to the man in red
+ "go somewhere else, i've got to go" enjolras says, nodding his head to the toilet
+ jehan is bright red and stutters a lot
+ "oh no... sor-sorry! it wo-won't h-happen aga-"
+ "let's just go jehan" you interrupt as you jump off the counter and grab his hand, leading him out of the bathroom
+ just before you exit, you lean in towards enjolras' ear
+ "don't stink it up too much, okay?"
+ he gasps and starts to turn to you but you were already gone

- courfeyrac walks in

+ you and combferre were in your apartment making out
+ much like enjolras' preference, you were both on the couch of the living room
+ combferre lay flat on his back with his hands running up and down your back. you lay on your side with a hand on his chest, peeking through his unbuttoned shirt. your legs were a tangled mess and you both were comfortable
+ courfeyrac burst in screaming
+ you both continued to kiss, completely ignoring your friend
+ "oh yeah, combferre is gettin' some"
+ you begin to pull away but combferre pulls you back down by the back of the neck. you give in and continue to make out with him as he not so subtly reaches his arm out to the coffee table beside you both and begins to search for an object
+ he grabs hold of a hard-cover book and chucks it at courfeyrac, never breaking the deep kiss with you
+ "hey! fine, i'll just do the s-e-x talk on my own"

- gavroche walks in

+ you and marius were making out in the supply closet of the café, on the main floor
+ your legs were wrapped around marius' waist as you ran your hands through his hair. he carried you with one hand and with the other held the back of your neck
+ gavroche opens the closet door and makes an 'o' shape with his mouth
+ the sudden burst of light breaks your kiss but not your close intimacy
+ "what are you guys doing?"
+ marius begins to fumble through his pockets with the hand that once held your neck
+ "hey gav, here's five francs. you get this money if you leave us alone"
+ "deal!"
+ he leaves and the room is dark again
+ "now, where were we?"

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now