courfeyrac; "she would make such a great mother"

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A/N: wow, is that a different chapter title?! something not enjolras?! what?! please comment and tell me if i should do more one shots or imagines like these. enjoy


- you are dancing with gavroche on the main floor of the café

- the boys all cheer you on

- courfeyrac watches from afar and smiles

- "i think gavroche is making the moves on your girl" marius jokes as he sits next to courfeyrac

- "she would make such a great mother" he says, his eyes never leaving you

- "indeed she would"

- he rests his cheek on his hand and swoons over the sight of you

- marius chuckles at his friend and how in love he was

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now