combferre; flowers and fairy tales

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A/N: i think i like writing in third person lol. anyways, there is mentioning of disney plot lines. kind of? idrk but yeah go with it even if it isn't in the correct time frame sometimes

Y/n and Combferre. The 'it' couple of the Café Musain. They were always together and always envied by all those who drank at the café.

The couple was currently walking to the lake just outside of Saint Michel. Their hands were interlocked and Combferre lightly swung their united hands back and forth.

As they approached the lake, Y/n smiled at the sight of it. The sun was reflecting off of it, and the bright green grass was painted with dandelions and perennials. Near the edge of the lake lay fountaingrasses that shined blonde in the sun and scattered smooth pebbles.

She sighed in content, enjoying the view of the setting.

Combferre too was enjoying a view, his girlfriend of one and a half years. No view could ever compare to Y/n's beauty he thought to himself.

He smiled a toothless smile before pulling their interlaced hands up to his face to kiss Y/n's hand. She turns from the lake to Combferre and smiles, leaning into his chest as he releases her hand and puts an arm around her waist.

The pulchritudinous lake looked even better from up close. Combferre and Y/n stepped down the grass hill that lead to the lake.

Flowers grazed their ankles as they sunk the balls of their feet into the steep hill. They finally reached the bottom and were soon under a tall dark green tree that provided them shade from the warm and sunny day.

Combferre gently pulled Y/n down onto the grass to sit next to him. Combferre stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned back on his hands. Y/n pulled her knees to her chest and faintly hugged them close to her.

The two stared out at the shining lake. A light breeze flew past them. Y/n's hair blew slightly to the left, the flowers bending the same way. As the breeze faded, Y/n scooched over to Combferre and laid a head on his shoulder. He kisses her forehead and puts all pressure onto one arm as wraps the other around her shoulder.

As time passes, the pair talk about anything and everything as they pick at the grass and plants around them.

Combferre fastens a "homemade" bouquet of dandelions with the stem of another dandelion as he speaks.

"We picked a good day to come out, hm?"

She nods as she ties a knot in the long piece of grass she pulled out. She was laying on her back, holding her creation up in front of the sunlight, marginally blocking it from view.

"Pour toi." (for you) Combferre says and hands her the bouquet. She smiles and sits up to take it from him.


She pecks his lips and places the bouquet down delicately. Combferre then begins to pick more flowers out of the ground to start another work of art. He furrows his eyebrows as his eyes search the grass for a different breed of flower.

"I'll be back."

She hums in response as she plucks more vibrant grass.

Combferre makes his way to the edge of the lake to search for new flowers. He pushes past some tall fountaingrasses and finds the jackpot.

Beside a large and flat rock that was half covered in clear water, Combferre spotted a patch of daffodils and daylilies. He smiles and begins to gather the flowers.

Minutes later, he returns with flowers of all different colours in his grasp. He sits back down beside Y/n and begins to work with his new materials.

As he works, Y/n places a flower crown she had made from grass, dandelions, and pappis. He looks up from his work and takes the flower crown off of his head to examine it.

"Well now my sprig looks shameful." He jokes as he runs his thumb softly over the braided grass and flowers. He then places the crown onto Y/n's head.

"What? Do you not like it?"

"Of course I like it. I just believe that a princess should wear a crown." He shrugs and looks back down to his work. "Besides, it looks better on you."

She laughs and holds the crown with her hand to prevent it from falling.

"Comb, I am not a princess."

"Yes you are. You have a strikingly handsome prince."

She gives him a look and takes the crown off of her head. She slowly twirls it around in her hands as she looks out to the lake.

"Do you know any fairy tales?"

"Fairy tales?"

She nods and admits, "I'm a sucker for them."

He smiles and nods, his eyes never leaving the flowers that lay atop the grass.

"That I know. Let's see, do I know any fairy tales off the top of my head?"

His lips pucker to the right in thought.

"Actually, I know one. I read it to Gavroche just last week." Y/n says with a grin as she turns back to Combferre. He looks up to her and nods his head, giving her consent to tell the tale.

She smiles and leans onto her back again, placing the flower crown onto her chest.

"Once upon a time..."

She told the tale of the maiden in the tower and her grand escape from her quarantine with a man whom she falls in love with.

Combferre smiled as she spoke. Her head tilted to the side as she spoke about the adventures that the maiden and the man experienced.

As she reaches the end of her story, Combferre tightens the second bouquet he had created with a long piece of grass, setting it aside and turning to his love. He places a single daylily that he had saved next to him and focuses on Y/n. He sat cross legged with his face resting on his hand that he laid upon his knee.

"And they lived happily ever after." She sighs with a smile. "I love that story."

"You're good at telling it."

She grins and sits up, soon to be sitting on Combferre's lap. Her hands link around his neck and his find their way around her waist. She lets the hairs at the back of his neck glide through her fingers as they stare at each other.

"I made you another one."

"Made another what?" She confusedly asks.

He removes one hand from her waist and reaches to grab his new bouquet of flamboyant flowers. He holds the flowers in his hand between them.

"Wow, where did you find the other flowers?"

He shrugs. "Just around."

She gives a short chuckle and takes the bouquet. She places it next to the other one he had made for her previously.

When she turns back around, he is holding another flower in his hand, this time a single daylily.

"Okay, how many flowers do you have back there?"

He laughs as he places the red orange flower behind her ear. She tilts her head and smiles at him. She then places a hand on his chest and kisses him tenderly.

She then pulls away, slightly pushing a hand on his chest.

"What on earth are we going to do with all these flowers?"

He briskly looks to the lake before turning back to her and shrugging.

He pulls her in for another kiss. His free hand holds her cheek, careful not to knock the flower off her ear.

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now