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Josephine 'Fin' Rosio Arcane.

Fin is the kindest and most cheerful girl anyone can meet. Though she does have her dark moments. Despite the fact that she is only seventeen, Fin makes a lot of money. She owns many businesses and food chains. She donates to charity and provides help to anyone who needs it.

Fin loves to spend time at children's hospitals, caring for them and teaching them new things.

When her mother suddenly passes away from drug overdose, Fin is forced to move in with her father and brothers she knew nothing about. She agrees as she saw an opportunity to help more people and learn in a new environment.


This book contains mature and violent scenes and strong language.

A warning will be placed before any triggering or mature scenes.

Also, there is an eight year age gap between the main character and her love interest. If you are uncomfortable with reading that because she is technically a minor, then you can either imagine another age for the characters or don't read this book. And it's not like she is that far from being legal, only a few months. Also, the age of consent is 16 years.

I am kind of fed up receiving comments about their ages. So please, stop. You are not being force to read this, you can choose not to.

Anyway, thank you for giving my book a chance. I appreciate it.

NB- The relationship between the main character and her love interest is fast paced.


The characters in this book are not related to any living person. They are fictional and if the name matches that of an actual living person, it was purely coincidental. I do not own any of the pictures in this book.

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