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*ring ding dong*

"DEJUN CAN YOU GET THE DOOR AND STOP PRETENDING THAT LOUIS IS YOUR BOYFRIEND FOR A DAY"Kun shouted from the kitchen. "YEAH MOM I GOT IT" Xiaojun made his way downstairs while carrying Louis in his hands. "I wonder who it is baby"


"Taeyong when will we get there?" Jisung asked as he fidgeted around in his taxi seat. The plane had landed in Shanghai, China where Chenle and his homies lived. "Patient, my child" Taeyong said as he pointed to the timer on his phone. "We'll get there in ten minutes" Then he went back to his animal crossing.

"Johnny did you buy the present for Xiaojun's birthday? It's tomorrow" Jaehyun asked looking back at the giant.

"Yes dad, I did" Johnny rolled his eyes at Jaehyun. "I do like it better to be called daddy than call someone dad. Damn I miss ten" He added smirking.





"Uhm sirs, you've reached your destination" The taxi driver nervously let out a mumble which Jisung heard. "Thank you for dealing with and driving us sir" He said before pressing a wad of notes into his hand and jopping out of the van.

The other oldies came out a few seconds later. "Damn Jisung, when did you learn Mandarin?" Johnny asked in surprise. "I learnt some Mandarin so I could understand when Chenle and Renjun swear at me" Jisung replied smugly.

"Okay gang. We are at Jisung's Love's house." Jaehyun clapped his hands and pointed at the large house that stood before them. "Please make yourself look presentable Johnny or Jisung might murder you."

"I second that" Jisung adjusted his hoodie and dusted off his jeans before raising his flip-flop clad feet one at a time to check whether they looked okay.

"Who's going to ring the doorbell though?" Taeyong asked.

"That pizza delivery guy is going to" Johnny said.

-(back to China line)-

"Hi hello would you like to meet my one day boyfri-" Xiaojun wasn't able to finish his sentence as a slice of pizza was shoved into his mouth causing him to almost drop Louis. Louis, being the one with the highest brain cells count, jumped out of his arms and went to teach Leon how to make humans be your slaves.

Johnny was holding an opened box of pizza as he waited for Xiaojun to chew and swallow the pizza. "KUN THERE ARE SOME STRANGERS TRYING TO KILL ME WITH PIZZA HELP" Xiaojun yelled before running inside.

Kun went to the door and sighed after seeing the "strangers". "DEJUN ITS ONLY YONGQIN'S BOYFRIEND AND HIS THREE OTHER FRIENDS" Kun yelled back into the house.

"Three, two, one-" Jisung took off his flip-flops and set them outside while silently counting how long it would be until ten came to hug Johnny.

"JOHN D FOR DICK! I MISSED YOU!" Ten charged into Johnny's arms and gave him a big hug. Johnny dropped his suitcase to hug his small boyfriend. "Hey babe, how've you been"

"What the fuck is all the commotion about- Oh my God you're here! Chenle's not home right now so you're in luck" Renjun hurried down the stairs to greet his fellow gays.

"Where is Chenle?" Jisung asked, setting his bag down.

"He has piano lessons after school. I think he'll be back by four so we need to get y'all settled in quick." Kun said as he helped Jaehyun and Taeyong to get their bags inside Yangyang's old room.

Ten dragged Johnny to his room so that was taken care of. "Jisung do you want to go and put your things in Chenle's room?" Renjun asked.


"His room is up the stairs to the left"


"WHY IS THERE A TALL CHICKEN LOOKIN CUTIE IN LELE'S ROOM-" Hendery shouted as he entered the kitchen, where Sicheng was texting Yuta. "That's Jisung. Chenle's future boyfriend and Johnny's friend and Taeyong and Jaehyun's son" Sicheng answered before resuming his meme war with Yuta.

"Oh. Wait I can speak Korean. Nevermind I can socialize after I watch TV" Hendery poked Sicheng twice and went to make love with the couch.


His room is so cute. And he's a hardcore gaycity stan as well. Shit it's three thirty. Do I wait for him here or what? Jisung thought to himself as he paced around Chenle's room. Finally, he decided to consult Kun.

"Kun Kun Kun Kun. Am I supposed to wait for Lele in his room or what?" Jisung asked as he poked Kun multiple times. (Kun was 👌 close to stabbing his with a spatula) "Just go and watch TV with Hendery. He'll be shocked to see you in person anywhere." Kun said as he continued to mix the cupcake batter.

"Cool beans"


"OH FICK DICH PWARK JISUNG" Yangyang yelled as he jumped off the couch and onto the carpet while throwing his phone on it. "What happened?" Taeyong walked in and raised a brow at yangyang sulking on the floor. "I accidentally exploded his house in Minecraft and now he's sad. How do I make him un-sad?" Jisung asked scratching the back of his head. "HENDERY! DEJUN! YOUR BABY NEEDS SOME CUDDLES!" Taeyong called out. The two boys rushed down the stairs, scooped yangyang in their arms and ran back up to Hendery's room.


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