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chensung thoughts

Dinner was quiet. Jisung could almost hear nothing except for the clanking of utensils and the incoherent things Chenle would sometimes lean over to tell his mother. He really didn't know what was going on.

are they judging me?

"So. Chenle do you want to introduce Jisung to us?" Mr Zhong broke the painfully awkward silence. "Jisung is my-" Chenle looked over to him and smiled softly. "Friend" Mrs Zhong started choking on her food. Jisung hurriedly passed her a glass of water and rubbed her back. "Damn" She gasped for air. "He's not your boyfriend?" "No"

not yet, at least

      "No ma'am" Jisung smiled. "Not yet" Mr Zhong muttered and elbowed Jisung, who blushed at the comment. "Jisung you're red" Chenle pointed out. "I know, it's probably just the heat" he managed. "Alrighty then" Chenle went back to wolfing down his rice. Dinner ended quicker than they expected, and soon enough, Jisung found himself at Chenle's doorstep, waving goodbye to Mrs Zhong. "Come again soon you two!" She said cheerfully.

       They walked to where the car was parked before Chenle lightly pushed Jisung onto the driver's seat door. "You heard her. Come again soon." He gripped Jisung's collar and pressed their foreheads together. "Or just don't leave." Jisung nuzzled his nose. "How about I just bring you with me?" "That's even better" Chenle locked his fingers behind the taller's neck and kissed him.

       He could feel warmth travel all around his body as Jisung kissed him back and flipped their positions with Chenle now on the door. "We really shouldn't be doing this" He breathed out after a while. "You're one to say. You kissed me first" Jisung chuckled. "Shut up, get in and drive" Chenle pouted and pecked Jisung's lips once more before sitting in his passenger seat.

     The car ride was silent, a comfortable silence. Jisung held Chenle's hand as he drove the car. "Chenle? What are we?" He asked as they got out of the car. Chenle smiled. "You're my bestest friend. And everything more if you want to be."

    "I do want to be more" Jisung traced his thumb across Chenle's small knuckles. "I want to be special to you" "You already are." "That's good to know"

we only met in person a week ago and here I am, in love like some cliche highschool drama

I really don't doubt it anymore. I love you.

        If only they could read each other's minds. But it was really obvious at this point. They were in love. It might be cliche, falling in love in less than a week, having been texting for only about two months. Their meeting was cliche too. Getting your cousin's boyfriend's number wrong? Texting the supposed stranger who ended up being the love of your life? it's gay out of a story book.

         "Let's go inside?" Jisung gestured to their front door. "Yeah" They entered. Ten was straddling Johnny as they made out, Kun was yelling at them, Taeyong was yelling at Jaehyun to put on a shirt, Renjun was yelling at YangYang for taking his charger, Hendery was talking with Xuxi, and Dejun was showing Sicheng something on his phone but Sicheng was busy on his own phone. Probably texting Yuta.

       Chenle and Jisung quickly and quietly hurried up the staircase and into Chenle's room. "Dear sausage, it's chaos down there" Jisung sighed and plugged his phone into the charger. "Isn't it always?"

     "You should come and see our house back in Korea. It has enough room to house twenty three people." He said proudly. Chenle stared at him. "Doesn't that mean it's a mansion? Where'd you get that much money to buy a house like that?"

       "It's kinda like a mansion. Johnny and Jaehyun have a radio station. Taeyong and Mark write songs for companies. Hyuck, Taeil, Doyoung and Jungwoo work at music schools. Jeno and Jaemin have a flower shop. Yuta is a fishing instructor. You know what China line does. We pooled our money and bought the house. We still had a lot of money left over though, we didn't even make a dent in the amount."

     "Must be nice. Would you really bring me with you when you leave?" Chenle asked. "Ask for Kun's permission. Book the ticket. Pack. I'll definitely bring you with me. I won't be sitting with Johnny anymore since I think Ten would also be coming with us."

     "I'll do all of that. I want to spend as much time possible with you." "You say that like I don't" "I know you do Jisung. I wanted you to vocalise it."

"You want me to vocalise it?"


"Chenle. I love you."

this book might be ending soon whoops. how are y'all doing?

hope y'all like the new cover

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