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                                              "So marry me." Chenle looked straight into Jisung's dark, mesmerizing eyes. The taller chuckled and ruffled his hair. "I will when I can. Two years after I turn legal, you best be expecting me to propose to you, and don't even worry about our life after that. I'll take care of everything. Not even a dime of yours should be wasted when I can still provide for you and keep you happy like a king." 

"I want kids, though"

"What kind?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"As in do you want twins or triplets or just one at a time? So I can ask Jaehyun which position to use for-"


"I'm kidding, I want kids too. Specifically I want to raise them with you."

"Me too. Now give me some macarons, I'm hungry"

"Mom told me you didn't want dinner?"

"Shut up, I'm always hungry for snacks and you know it"

"Damn, I'm sorry"

                    And they may or may not have stayed up until past midnight, just talking and snacking, even after the lights were turned off. 


                                          "I've been unofficially proposed to. In your face, Regina, I'm getting married first" Chenle snorted at his friend, who picked at his nails before sighing and facing the boy with a mischievous smile. "For you, it was yesterday. For me, it was two weeks ago. Jeno and Jaemin both proposed to me with ring pops while wearing flower crowns on their heads at the park." Chenle pouted at the correction to his statement. Renjun loved to be a party pooper didn't he? Considering the fact that he was the most chaotic at their last party- no. At least he did when he was sober. 

"I'm still getting married"

"Be glad Sicheng isn't here, he'd flex on our unmarried asses just for existing."

                     "I literally just turned legal this year, he's not allowed to flex on me. As for you" He looked the boy up and down with faked disgust. "You're old enough" The older played along and gasped. "One more word about me being old and I'll end this call and dig your grave right now" He threatened to which Chenle broke into a fit of giggles. "Oh well, I have to go now."

Chenle nodded. "Tell Jaem and Jen I said hi"

Renjun rolled his eyes. "Fuck you" He ended the call after pronouncing the words better than he could pronounce his own name.

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