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Chensung thoughts

   "One last dinner?" Jisung looked at his boyfriend in confusion. "Why last?"

   Chenle huffed and sat down. "Because we're going to be leaving tomorrow? My parents want us over for dinner one more time. I don't know what's the deal though, don't ask"

"Wasn't planning on it. When do we go?"


      Chenle didn't have a driver's license. Yet he swerved through the tiniest roads like he had done it a million times before. When they finally stopped in front of the familiar mansion, Jisung immediately opened the door and started catching his breath.

   "Holy shit. I almost lost my lunch. You don't have a license, why do you drive?" Jisung stared at Chenle wide eyed.

   "Honey, I've been driving without a license for a month now. Call me a criminal if you want to but I'm your criminal" He winked and twirled the keys to the front door around his finger. "BABE, CHENLE AND HIS BOYFRIEND ARE HERE"

"Stop calling me babe, we're old"

"Not my problem"

    "Wait these people aren't denying the boyfriend thing" A smile grew on Mrs Zhong's face. "Jisung? Am I getting a son-in-law?"

"Maybe in six years you would"

   She squealed and hit her husband who seemed to be processing the whole thing. "I- CONGRATULATIONS"

by day6

   "Thanks dad" Chenle smiled and entered his childhood home. "Preparing for Christmas already? It's still october" Red and green streamers hung at the corners of the house and soft piano played in the background. "You know how your mom gets when it comes to happy things. She's like an ant, preparing for winter early and working like a machine"

    "Well this ant can also bite you, don't forget that Zhong" Mrs Zhong snapped, setting the table. "Story of my life and my wife" Mr Zhong stared wistfully at the ceiling, wondering what if would be like if he was still free. But of course, he wouldn't want it. Most people wouldn't trade love for freedom, at least Mr Zhong wouldn't.

"Ew straight people"

"Chenle don't be heterophobic"


skip the dinner cuz why tf not

"Take good care of my son" Mr Zhong waved to the two and they walked to the car.

"Why wouldn't I take care of my future husband?"

"Dear future husband, if you wanna get that special lovin', tell me I'm beautiful each and every night~"

"You're beautiful lele"

"Stan Megan Trainor for earning me a compliment"

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