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Chensung thoughts

  Jisung gripped his pen tightly. Taeyong just had to give him a test to see if his brain still worked after graduating. "Baby~ help me I can't math" Chenle flipped over his own test paper. "I can't science or math either. I can't believe they gave the both of us tests."

  "I know" Jisung pouted and played with his best friend's hair. "As if he remembers anything" "Kun and Taeyong are old, they wouldn't remember shit"

"Yeah" He pulled out his phone to check the time. 1.27 pm. Perfect. It was already afternoon on the Monday and here they were, doing a dumb test paper.

  "I think we shouldn't do it" Chenle threw his pencil across the room and flopped onto his bed. "I'm tired" "You're not the only one lele"



"Be my boyfriend"


       Jisung sat up. "You really mean it?"

"Of course I would dumbass we've waited long enough. And the gays downstairs already know, so there's no reason we should put it off"

  "That was quick. And really anticlimactic."

  "Hey, not everything has to happen slowly okay?"

"Fine fine. Boyfriend."

"I like that"

"I love it"

"I love you"

  "I love me too"

"Jisung Pwarrrrrk"

"I'm kidding Chenle, I love you too"

"Now about that test paper-"

"The test paper can go fuck itself for all I care"


"Would be nicer if you kissed me"

"Your wish is my command, Sir Jisung"

"And your love is all I need, Sir Chenle"

"Love you shall have"

        And that's the story of how they got their labels. And also how they got banned from watching TV because they made out instead of studying. And we shall not blame them because we know they both have qualities so fine, anyone would turn gay or straight for them. Have a happy weekend yeorobun! And happy children's day for all my underage kiddos who still read smut for some reason uwu I love y'all 💚💚💚

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