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chensung thoughts

           "Chenle, angel" Jisung kissed the boy's nose. "Angel wake up" Chenle sighed. Jisung told him he would wake him up when they arrived. Then it hit him.

when we arrive

      His eyes shot open so fast it made Jisung flinch. "We're here? Already?" Jisung smiled wide and opened the window for his boyfriend to see. The plane was landing, the buildings that had seemed so tiny when they were in the air were now towering over the streets beside the runway in Seoul. Seoul. They were finally here. Chenle was finally going to see his friends again. And Doyoung, damn he missed Doyoung and his never ending nagging. And he would see Jungwoo, Donghyuck, Yuta and the rest. Even Shotaro and Sungchan, he wanted to see them too.

Jisung's parents

           Andof course, the most important people. He was going to see Jisung's parents. His future in-laws. No, he's not thinking too far ahead. He knows that Jisung wouldn't dare let go of someone he loves and neither would he. Besides, they almost had everything in common including the fact that none of them dared look at someone else the way they looked at each other. What could possibly break them up?

        "Jisungie? Am I really meeting your parents tomorrow? Isn't it enough if I meet Taeyong and Jaehyun?" Chenle nervously asked, pulling down his shoulder bag from the overhead cabinets. "Angel don't be like that. My parents are excited to meet you, I already talked to them" Jisung took the bag from him and interlocked their fingers. "Children follow me!" Taeyong yelled. They did as he instructed, following close behind to not get lost. They stepped out of the plane and into the cold but welcoming airport. Jaehyun walked beside the younger ones. "Doyoung and Yuta are here to pick us up" He said and smiled, two dimples and everything. (Side note from Taeyong: His glasses were a little fogged but that made him 150x cuter)

            "Chenle we just have to collect our luggage and then we can head home. We'll go to our house first but my dad wants us to stay at my house for a week" Chenle nodded. "I can't wait to see Doyoung. I haven't seen him in like, what? Since the birthday video call we had on his birthday" Jisung pouted and loaded their luggage onto a trolley. "Angel I'm right here! Go miss Doyoung somewhere else or I'll get jealous" "You big baby, I love you, and only you okay? Besides, bunny boy has Mr Moon"

   "Right. Taeil exists" Jisung snapped his fingers and pushed the trolley towards the exit. He could already see the figures of his two friends wayving excitedly. He could sense his adrenaline building up, the excitement bubbling up, the urge to launch himself into Yuta and Doyoung's arms. Johnny and Ten were conversing happily in english. Sicheng and Xuxi were talking about their boyfriends. Taeyong and Jaehyun were way ahead of them and exchanging hugs with two already. Doyoung looked back at Chenle and smiled wide. "CHENLE MY BABY"  They charged at each other with Doyoung quickly wrapping his arms around Chenle to stop the both of them from being toppled to the tiled floor. In situations like this, Jisung told himself, feeling jealous wasn't allowed. 

       "SICHENG! I MISSED YOU, BABY!" Yuta screamed and lifted his boyfriend up in the air. Sicheng just laughed and kissed him. By then, Chenle had pulled away from Doyoung and was back at Jisung's side. "Let's go in the car? Doyoung said the doors were open" Chenle helped Jisung load the luggage into the car or van, more like, and they sat inside waiting.



"Welcome to my playground" He said before they leaned forward and made out for a good ten seconds.


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