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Chensung thoughts

Chenle tightened his grip on Jisung's hand. "I don't want to, Jisung" he whispered, head hung low. "You have to Chenle." Jisung fiddled with the remote Taeyong gave them and unlocked Kun's car. The two were on their way to Chenle's mansion.

Right when they were making out, Chenle's parents had called, his phone blaring out a distorted version of gaycity u's 'Boss'. He had reluctantly pulled away and answered it.

"Hello? Mom?"

"Chenle sweetie! Do you have a girlfriend yet?"

"N-no, but-"

"That's all I needed to hear. bring whoever this 'but' is over for dinner. I'll see you in an hour honey"

He sighed and shoved his phone back into his pocket. "What happened?" Chenle looked up into Jisung's concerned eyes. "We're going for dinner at my parents' place."

That brings us to where we are. (let's just pretend Jisung can drive). Jisung opened the shotgun seat door for Chenle like the gentleman he is. Chenle gestured for him to sit in the driver's seat. "Can you even drive?"

Jisung chuckled. "I'm almost twenty, of course I can drive. Who do you think I am, Mark?" "Good point" Chenle was lost in the scenery that whizzed past them at lightning speed and tried to forget about the dinner they were going to attend.

some peace please

About half an hour later, they were pulling up to the polished wooden gates of Chenle's very tall house. "You used to live here?" Jisung stared blankly at the tall building, hands tapping on the steering wheel.

"Don't be shocked. We might even live here after our marriage" Chenle winked and opened his door. Jisung stopped his tapping and exited the car too, locking it. "What's for dinner?" he asked, rubbing his hands together.

"My mom" Chenle muttered sarcastically. "What a shame, I'd rather have you for dinner" Chenle coughed violently at his words. "Bitch, don't talk like that in front of my parents, comprende?"

"Fine" Jisung playfully rolled his eyes and pointed to Chenle's front door which they had already reached. He looked back at the carpark which was at least a good thirty metres away from the actual house.

it's for the exercise, bet

"Behave, Jisung. And yes I'm going to introduce you as my boyfriend. Don't react too much" Chenle warned him and pushed open the black door, revealing an amazingly furnished living room.

Jisung looked around.

that vase looks like it costs more than my entire hoodie collection

"So where are your paren-"

"CHENLE! MY BABY IS HERE!" Mrs Zhong jumped on her son, tackling the screeching boy to the floor. "Jeez mom don't attack me like that. Where's dad?"

"Kitchen. Who's this cutie?" She eyed Jisung up and down. Mrs Zhong didn't look like the multi-millionaire she was said to be. She was simply wearing a black hoodie and pair of brown cargo pants, something you could see anyone wearing. "Jisung Park, nice to meet you ma'am" he bowed respectfully. "Is he your boyfriend?" Mrs Zhong asked casually. "Mom?" Chenle's eyes widened.

"Oh my sausage, please tell me I didn't raise a homophobic son! Okay Chenle listen, sometimes people can be attracted to the same gende-" Chenle hugged her. "Hey, baby, what's wrong?" Mrs Zhong frowned at the sudden skinship and patted her son's shoulder.

"I just didn't think you'd be so accepting. Thank you mom" Chenle hugged her tighter. She awkwardly hugged Chenle back and mouthed a "go to the kitchen" to Jisung. Jisung immediately found the kitchen because it was so damn big, way more spacious than the living room. "Mr Zhong?" He called out, randomly remembering that the Zhongs spoke Korean.

He looked being and broke into a smile at the sight of Jisung. "Come in! You must be Chenle's boyfriend!" He greeted warmly. "No sir, I'm actually his friend" Jisung said sheepishly. "But he said he had someone to introduce" Mr Zhong frowned. "I'll let him explain that during dinner"


Jisung helped Mr Zhong to put the many plates of food onto their polished wooden dining table. No matter how rich they seemed to be, they cooked and served themselves. Jisung liked that. He looked at Mr Zhong. "Is there anything else I should do, sir?"

Mr Zhong crossed his arms. "I don't know Jisung, how about you date my son?" He stared blankly. "W-what?"

"You heard me. Date Chenle. That boy is lonely, all he has are us and his friends. I'm pretty darn sure he's not asexual just by the way he looks at you kiddo."

"Mr Zhong I have something to say. I'm not saying this because you're telling me to do it, but I genuinely like Chenle."

  He awkwardly smiled at the man opposite of him. Mr Zhong's eyeballs grew to the size of eggs. "Thats- That's amazing news! My kid's not going to be lonely!" He flung his arms in the air and paraded around the room as Jisung giggled. Suddenly he stopped and his expression hardened. "If you don't take care of my son I swear to namjisoos christopher, I will fucking chop you into pieces."

   "Don't worry sir, I have no intentions of hurting him and I never will." Jisung was surprised that Chenle's parents were this laid back, considering their age and the environment they must have grown up in.

  "WHAT'S UP YEOROBUN!" Chenle yelled as he walked into the room. "Oh food. MOM GET IN HERE THE FOOD'S READY" Mrs Zhong walked in after her son. "I know honey, don't need to yell" She sighed and smiled nevertheless.

       "Right" Jisung clapped his hands. "Do we eat now?" Chenle raised his eyebrows. "Is that even a question?"

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