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Chensung thoughts

"Let me get this gay. You have a boyfriend now?" Jisung nodded and downed his cup of milk. "How single do you feel now, Donghyuck hyung?"

   Donghyuck fake gasped and placed a hand on his chest. "I feel called out! But congratulations. I can't wait to see Chenle when you bring him here."

"And I can't wait to introduce him to you."

"Johnny's plant watering thing, wherefore art thou johnny's plant watering thing" Jisung grinned. "Is that Mark?" The older sighed and looked back. "Yeah. Johnny told him to water the plants and Mr Lee can't find the damn watering can"

"I'm glad you guys are fine now. No more drama okay?"

"As long as that Koeun bitch doesn't hurt him, all is and will be well"

"She strikes me as lesbian. I don't think she loves Mark. Neither do I think Mark loves her. I think they're just dating for the sake of dating"

"Hey let's not stick our fabulous noses into Markie's love life. How are you doing in China? How's Yukhei? And Ten?"

   "Lucas is fine. Ten is probably making out with Johnny somewhere so he's extra fine."

  "My single ass needs a boyfriend"

  "If only Koeun hadn't snatched your man"

  "Shut up fetus. Go focus on your little boyfie" Donghyuck smiled and adjusted the camera so Mark was out of sight. "My little boyfie is making me food. Anyway, hyuck if you're still sad, I recommend you guilt trip Mark into watching a disney movie marathon. That always works out love"

  "Might just try that. I'll talk to you later chicken"

  "okay, bye hoechan"

  "bITCH-" Jisung ended the video call before he could get yelled at. Donghyuck would throw hands at anyone who dated to make fun of the nickname Mark gave him.

"Whipped" He muttered before staring at his boyfriend who was too focused in cracking an egg to even notice him. "Baby, I want some food" Chenle cracked the egg into the pan and turned around with an angry expression.

  "I am standing here. A whole meal. And you dARE say you're hungry?" He pecked him on the lips and went back to cooking. "Well damn, angel you didn't need to get mad. Now I'm half full."

"I don't give a fuck about how full you are, you're going to eat whatever I cook."


  Chenle slid a plate in front of Jisung and gestured for him to eat. "Feed me"

"You're eighteen-"

  "Feed me hyung"

  "Fuck you"

   Chenle stabbed the omelette with a fork and raised it near the taller's mouth. "Here comes the train to gaycity~" Jisung opened his mouth and watched his boyfriend smile contentedly as he chewed on the food.

  He finished off the rest of the food, feeding Chenle most of it. "You cooked it, you deserve most of it."

"My heart feels warm and fuzzy now, I'm soft uwu"

"Did you just uwu out loud-"

"You just did too"

"Damn you right"

"So, who were you talking to just now?"

"Are you jealous?"



"Tell me who it wassss"

"Donghyuck. Just wanted to see how he was doing after the whole 'Mark has a girlfriend' fiasco. Bet, three months and they're going to be over and markhyuck will be sailing."


"Bet what?"

"I bet all my gaycity merch that markhyuck will happen"

"There's no point if we're supporting the same thing, lele"

"Not my problem"

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