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                       "Jaehyun where's the damn mic-" Jisung turned around in his chair, adjusting his metal rimmed glasses. "It's right in front of you, you blind child. Are you ready to record?" Jaehyun rubbed at the slight stubble growing on his chin and put on his headphones. "We've done this before, Jisung. I hope you memorized whatever you said the first time"

"Of course I did, hyung"

"Is it on? It's recording now? Okay, cool. Uh, hi, hello, annyeong, you're probably wondering why Kun and Xiaojun brought you here again after four years. I won't give you an answer yet either, since I'm sure you know why already. I love you. I know it's your birthday today again and I hope you have quite an eventful day, if everything still can go according to plan. Do you remember the roses? And my notes? I'm still serious about everything I wrote in there, angel. I will always see my future with you. I see everything I could ever do with you. I've never baked a cake before. Can I bake it with you? I've never made cookies before either. Can I make them with you? I've never married anyone before. Can I marry you? Let's talk about how I still want to name our future kid Jiro. You should name the second one. I want them to have an amazing life. I want them to be happier than we are. I always want you to be at your happiest. I want to wake up next to you every morning. I want to take care of you. I want to spoil you, I still don't know how, though. I still want to do everything with you. I will always want you. I'm still cheesy aren't I? It's the horrible trait I still have from my dad. Angel, since we both still love GayCity as much as the next GayCTzen, I'll leave some songs for you to listen to again. I know you still won't judge my voice, even though I'm a horrible singer."

"Jisung, I've heard this shit four times now yet it still makes me cry every time" Jaehyun blew his nose with a tissue. "Come on hyung, we're doing the same thing we did four years ago. Calm down."


"Look at you. Growing up and proposing so fast." Haechan wiped a fake tear from his eye. Jisung rolled his eyes. "You're just jealous I'm getting married first. Hurry up and do my make up. We only have a few hours till Chenle comes."

"Uncle Jisung, why are you so mean to uncle Hyuck?" Yoon pouted and he lifted his arms, signaling that he wanted to sit on his lap. "Well" Jisung sat the child down and kissed his forehead. "Your uncle Hyuck is not the nicest person on the planet. Your uncle Chenle is way better than this sunshine wannabe" Taeho laughed and leaned his head on Taeyong's shoulder. "This is more wholesome than the last time" Mark smiled at the sight of ten people gathered around his boyfriend and Jisung.


"So when's the wedding, Mark hyung?"

"Jaemin. When's your wedding, you hypocritical blackberry?"

                           Jaemin shrugged and turned to Renjun. Renjun shook his head and pointed at Jeno. "That one has to propose first" They all looked at Jeno, who sighed and ruffled his bright blue hair. "Soon, soon"


              "Perhaps you're dumb" Mrs Zhong sighed and started to comb her son's hair. "Hina, help me with this boy's outfit, will you?" A shout was given in agreement to her question. "Kiddo, you know pretty darn well that you're getting proposed to today, and you know that you will say yes. What's up with the frowny face?"

                 Chenle scrunched his nose. "I just feel like Jisung over did it with the flowers. I can't even tell if I'm smelling roses or tulips anymore." Okay maybe Jisung did over do it with the flowers. Taeil, Ten, and Renjun had complained that the bouquets of flowers were almost taller than they were. "Baby why do you grown because of that? Jisung is doing all this for you. You found yourself a good boyfriend, or should I say, husband."

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