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   "Chenle~ Don't ignore me~" Jisung pouted as he tugged on his sleeve. They had reached the airport, and were now checking in. "Jisung he's checking in, just wait. He's not ignoring you"

"You're only saying that because you and Taeyong are almost married and you have nothing to worry about. I've been his boyfriend for about two days now and I'm stressed jeffrey."

"Fair enough. You know when I first proposed to Taeyong-"

"Jeff don't tell him your grandpa stories he's not interested" Johnny shoved a bottle of coke into the maknae's hands who nodded in thanks. "Fine, giant dick" Jaehyun grumbled and went over to his boyfriend who was going over their packing list to see if anything was kissing.

     Chenle turned around with his passport and ticket, only to see Jisung chugging down a soda like it was his life support. "Woah there honey, you're going to choke" "Choke on your love? Gladly"

"Ew PDA" Renjun gagged as he came into view with two giants stumbling with his luggage behind him. "I see you've got two servants now" Chenle raised his eyebrows expectantly. "I wouldn't call us servants, maybe more like slaves of love" Jeno shrugged and took a sip of Renjun's tea.

     "Children" Taeyong clapped making everyone turn to him. "We're going to board now. Here's the seating arrangement. ChenSung, NoRenMin, JohnTen and Sicheng, and me, Jae, and Yukhei. Okay everyone follow me. No one get left behind, if you need to go to the bathroom, go now."

ok mom

      "You sound like a mom" Jaemin laughed and stopped after a second. "I'm also a mom, don't forget that" Taeyong smiled and patted his head. "Say whatever you want to say blueberry. Jisung's still my son" He turned on his heels and walked towards boarding gate 127.

     "Does anyone else think Taeyong and the leader aura?" Chenle asked. "I think you mean mom aura" "Right"


    "Nice" Jisung looked at the large leather seat and the small tv that was attached to the chair in front of it. He plopped his ass down after letting Chenle go to the window seat like the gentleman he is. "Comfy" He stared at Chenle who seemed to have plans of sleeping, considering the fact that he was already settling down and putting on an eye mask. "Good morning Jisungie"

rings a bell, doesn't it?

    Jisung chuckled and pecked Chenle's lips. "Good morning Lele. I'll wake you up when we land"

"Mm. I love you"

"I love you too, angel"

I'm so soft uwu. STREAM FROM HOME AND STAN NCT!!!✨💚 yes I will be doing a yuwin bday chapter with all 23 members. also yall give this book a lot of reads and I'm really thankful for it but I'd also appreciate it if y'all would read my norenmin book too? ily gn yeorobun

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