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                 "Pink or green?" Chenle raised the cups to the phone screen. Hendery stared through the camera at the two ceramic creations. "Is there a shade of green that's like Jisung's shirt?" "Angel there's one like that beside the red gay kids one" Jisung was trying his best to hold the phone up without it shaking. "Suddenly my existence is forgotten" Taeyong muttered, pushing the trolley along the rows of cups.

"I'm still here kids"

"We know mom"

"Then why do you have to call Hendery?"

       "I thought we were buying cups for everyone. I didn't call Hendery first, I called Yuta and then they took turns to get cups in the colours they liked. But the thing is, everyone's picking neon green" Chenle shrugged and continued showing the cup to Dejun, who had intercepted the phone after Kunhang.
         Taeyong's expression softened after hearing that, and he turned to Jaehyun with a smile. "Can't the delivery date come any faster? I want a kid like Chenle" "Be patient bubu, we're going for the scan tomorrow anyway. Who knows what can happen" Jaehyun's dimples appeared as he pecked his boyfriend's lips. "Not to mention the wedding next month. I can't wait" "Me neither"

              "It still shocks me that I'm going to be an uncle to Yoonjae, Taeho, and Taehyun and not a brother" Jisung added after Chenle finally hung up on everyone who was stuck at home. Sungchan adjusted his mask and giggled. "We all are Jisung. I'm only a year older than you yet I'm very sure I'll hyperventilate on the day they're due"

"And that's on periodt"

"Shut up Shortaro"

"My name is Shotaro, you giant Jeong"

"Hyung let's not be rude"

"Damn you channie"

             Chenle wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. "Shotaro do you like it when Sungchan calls you hyung? Hmm?" Jaehyun chuckled and stepped in between them before a fight broke out. "Let's not expose each other's kinks now, we came here to buy cups, let's go pay for the cups" He slid out a black card from his wallet.
            "Jae stop flexing that card of yours, you couldn't even figure out how to use it without Johnny helping"

"Dammit honey, let me be cool for once"

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