🎂57💚(YuWin birthday pt 2)

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                                              "Xiao, get the bags" Hendery yelled as he dragged his own suitcase down the stairs. "Stop calling him Xiao, Wong" YangYang rolled his suitcase out of the house, being loud because he wanted to. "Shut up Liu, it's not like you don't call me bushybrows" Dejun pushed past the youngest to the car. "Kids stop fighting. Load your stuff and get in the car." Kun turned off the last light in the house and lightly pushed Hendery towards the door. They were leaving. To attend Yuta and Sicheng's anniversary/birthday party. And of course, Kun had been specially requested to cook for the occasion, and who was he to refuse an opportunity to cook for his son and son-in-law? He was more than happy, but forgot one thing. He forgot to ask whether Hansol was coming. They only told him to cook for 24 people. No other details were given. Sadly our man was only reminded of this when he sat down in his seat on the airplane, beside the very rowdy three person group of twenty to twenty-one year-olds. 

             And that's when he realized that there was no backing out of this. He had no choice. If he suddenly refused, he would be guilt-ridden for the rest of his life. "Forget Hansol, I'm going for YuWin, not him" He muttered and put on his headphones. Maybe listening to some gaycity would block out whatever he thought could possibly happen. Maybe it could also block out the sound of Hendery and YangYang arguing over a bagel. 

              Now let's go to Korea and see what the rest of them are doing. Zooming in on Jeffrey now. Jaehyun was sleeping. We all might know that that boy has an abundant amount of energy, but the whole trip really tired him out. From the operation: ChenSung, to the not being able to be shirtless in Kun's holy and yet unholy household. "Tyoooooong traaaack" He called out for his boyfriend, who walked in coincidentally holding a cup of coffee(pt. 2). "Coffee" Taeyong handed the mug to the brown-haired who sat up immediately after seeing him. "Thanks Yongie" He showed his infamous (actually famous) dimples that could make anyone's heart weak. Taeyong had woken up earlier than everyone else, cooking, cooking, and doing more cooking. He was wearing an apron, his gorgeous face covered in sweat and smiling, the little scar near his eye making him look perfectly imperfect. "I'm cooking now, you should start washing up. Kun's coming soon so you need to go to the airport to pick him and XiaoHenYang up, okay Hyunnie?" Jaehyun ran a hand through his hair as he got out of bed. "You seem excited."

        "I am excited! It's Yuta and Sicheng's combined birthday party. I'm cooking for everyone. And the whole squad is coming. I'm going to see all 20 of my kids in the same room! After two years of not being together, we're all here again. I love that, I really do Jae" Taeyong stared at his boyfriend with the biggest smile he's ever had. "I'm happy to know it makes you so happy, kitten" They shared an innocent kiss and Jaehyun went off to do whatever he was assigned.

       On to the next person! Nakamoto Sicheng was sitting on the bed, sighing in boredom while Yuta threw out every single piece of clothing that didn't look "good enough" for him onto the space beside where his husband was sitting. "Yuta" Sicheng whined and threw a rainbow striped sock at the male's back. "Just pick me out a random pair of shorts, pants, or a skirt with a shirt and I'll manage. We don't need to overdo it baby, it's our party" Yuta sighed and turned around. "Winwinnie, you know how I am when it comes to stuff like this. You should really put a lock on the closet before I throw out everything in it." Sicheng laughed and pulled his lover onto the bed. "Sit, I'll pick out something" And so he did. "Hurry up, I want to get a taste of what's cooking before Taeyong remembers and sets down the "No food until serving time" barrier"

       Now to NoRenMin. As you cannot see, Renjun was trapped in between Jeno and Jaemin, who had no intention of letting him go. "Let" He hit Jaemin's arm that was wrapped around his shoulder. "Me" He hit Jeno's arm that was circled around his waist. "Go, dear sausage, I can't breathe properly." He hit the both of them on their chests. The two loosened their grip but were still not moving. "There. Now go back to sleep Injun" Jaemin mumbled and kissed Renjun's cheek. "Kun is coming-" "Kun is going to come later and you will sleep now before I drag you and Nana into an unwanted game of monopoly. Shut, and sleep." Jeno silenced the smaller boy and buried his head in his shoulder. 

         To Mark and Donghyuck we go! Mark was stuck too. He was torn as to whether to tell Donghyuck that his shirt was sliding down his shoulder a little too much, revealing his collarbone. Not that he was complaining of course, he could talk about his "friend"'s beautifully tanned skin for two days gay. He furrowed his eyebrows. A small dark green 'P' was visible to his eyes. Mark had obviously seen him naked before, they've been friends since they were kids. But he had never seen Donghyuck have a tattoo before. He reached out to pull the shirt aside to see if his weren't playing tricks on him, and just then, his roommate started blinking and yawning slowly. Knowing Dongyuck, it would only take the boy a few seconds to come to his senses and realise what was happening.

          And now our main characters. Jisung and Chenle were already up and cuddling while they played Minecraft in the somewhat lighted room. "Angel" Jisung whispered. "I think I left my charger in Haechan hyung's room, let me go get it real quick" Chenle hummed and got off his boyfriend's lap, leaning back into the soft pillows.

       Johnny and Ten- you know what let's stop there.

           Shotaro and Sungchan were playing Uno on their bed. "Got anything to say after I win, Channie?" Shotaro whistled as he looked through his cards. Sungchan smirked and slapped two more cards down on the thick and colourful pile. "Draw eight, otter boy" "Damn you"


           Jungwoo sipped on his bubble tea. Don't complain that bubble tea shops aren't open at this time, he ordered it yesterday and kept it in the fridge. He sat cross legged as he watched Xuxi divert all his attention to reconnecting Jungwoo's lego firetruck. Yukhei had accidentally knocked the thing over while hopping around the room on one foot after stubbing his toe. His boyfriend had forgiven him for it, but he insisted on rebuilding it for him. That was one thing Jungwoo loved about Lucas. His determination and amazing facial expressions while he concentrated. Even when they were in school, Xuxi would always furrow his brows and make the weirdest facial expression whenever he did his homework. The giant was honestly one of the most unique people the Korean boy had ever met. And he had no regrets about meeting him.

and that wraps up the morning of the party! next chapter will have some kunsol content uwu 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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