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            "Perhaps I am the dumbest being that has ever existed in this universe" Taeyong sighed and picked up the pencil again, pointing it to the worksheet. "Jisung, dividing 4-digit numbers isn't that hard" Jisung scoffed and drew a circle around the 2020 ÷ 4 sum that was written on the paper in Doyoung's handwriting. "This year has already been a bust, excluding the part when I was with Chenle, and now Doyoung wants me to divide it into seasons? No, Taeyong, I can't math and you know that"

"You can't math, but you can say how many guns Chenle's held in his life, and at what point of time he held them?"

"That's different. Chenle has held exactly 38 guns in his life so that's an average of 2 guns per year-"

"Honey, you can't divide, but you can average how many guns your boyfriend has held per year?"

"Fair point"

                     If the only way Jisung would math is when it was about his boyfriend, Taeyong would just have to rewrite the question. "Okay child. You have 2020 roses to give to Chenle. You only have four vases. How many roses would you put in one vase, if you were to split up the roses evenly?"

       Now that was a question Jisung would actually put effort into answering. "Five hundred and five" The answer left his mouth a mere 23 seconds later. The older smiled. "Jisung you can math. Every time you see a question that you can't figure out how to do, just rewrite the question in your head. You can make it about whatever you want, just as long as the question is there."

     "Jisung Andy Park I told you that you couldn't ask Taeyong for help" Doyoung walked out of the kitchen with his brows furrowed, a can of Sprite in his hand.

         "Park's initials are JAP?" Dejun laughed at his own question. "That's some JAP" YangYang stated and giggled with his friend. "Yeah, and this is what I use to whack" Kun raised the frying pan he was holding in a threatening manner before putting it on the stove.

"I didn't ask Taeyong for help, he volunteered because he knows I can't math to save my life"

"Damn, what even were your grades before you graduated?"

          "A giant mess, that's what they were. He had to get tutored by Johnny three times a week" Jeno joined the conversation. "You shouldn't be talking Jeno, you dropped out of high school" Jisung huffed.

"I dropped out because I already had a stable job, and I didn't get to attend school for enough days to graduate. But I still studied so you have nothing to hold against me, Jaemin, or Hyuck, because we were all in the same situation" Jaemin applauded his boyfriend and ran a hand through his hair. "Hello, chaotic family."

"Mom, Jaemin's hair isn't brightly colored for once!"

"Nice hair, Jaemin."

"Thanks, I was born with this hair colour"

                 "Is no one going to talk about how he was literally shaking his ass for Johnny yesterday?" Jungwoo raised one of his eyebrows. "Come on, all of us were dancing for Johnny yesterday. And anyone can shake their ass to GayCity U's Work It." Hendery took a bite out of his sandwich after replying to Jungwoo.

           "Ten was exuding maximum whipped energy when he saw my new hair" Johnny laughed. "That's because you look even more like the whole meal with shoulder length hair" Ten kissed his boyfriend on the cheek.

     "Alright, this is making me feel single, I'm out" Jisung got up from the bar stool and stretched his long legs before commencing his mission to find Chenle. "CHeNLE~" His voice cracked when he yelled but he still ran up the stairs without a care in the world and burst into their room.

            "Are you okay?" The sight of Chenle's concerned face was enough to make him smile. "I'm feeling amazing! I solved a math problem only because your name was added to it!" He threw himself on the bed and rested his head on the Chinese's thigh. "I don't know bro, that's pretty gay" Chenle sipped his lemon juice and slightly scrunched his nose at he taste. "You're so cute" Jisung reached out and pinched his boyfriend's cheek with his long fingers.

"Hey, hey, stOP IT"

         They stared into each other's eyes.

"S-T-O-P! I-T!"

"Dammit, I love you"

"I love you too, angel"

and with that, this dumb book is brought to an end! I would like to thank every single czennie that read this even though it's trash and I have zero experience. I love y'all, and you NEED to know that. Most importantly, I would like to thank NCT, who this book wouldn't have been possible without. I love all 23 of you, and I'll love whoever is added next. Chenle and Jisung are literally perfect for each other, best friend wise, and soulmate wise. never ever hate on them or I will personally stab you. yeorobun stream every single song in resonance pt 2!!!!!!
I LOVE YOU💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

I'm sorry for not updating for so long. requests open for future books!

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