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Jisung/Chenle thoughts

sunlight, oh sunlight, kindly stop hitting my face, I'm trying to sleep you bitch

Jisung silently groaned and tried lifting his arms to rub his eyes, only to see that they were wrapped around Chenle's waist. He would have fallen off the bed screaming but he decided to put his shock away and enjoy this dream he was in.

this isn't real. I'm going to wake up on Chenle's couch later. He has a boyfriend named Felix. I should accept that. I'm totally not cuddling him now. last night was just a part of this beautiful dream.

Still thinking it was a dream, Jisung carefully lifted one of his arms and placed it on the space above the sleeping angel's head.

he's so cute. a literal babie angel

He played with a few strands of Chenle's hair and hummed softly.

"And I'll be your morning star, you are my angel, you are my angel" He sang quietly. Gaycity 127's angel was one of his favourite songs.

"dolphins, hm" Chenle started to shuffle around and closer to Jisung. He locked his fingers that were around Jisung's neck together so he wouldn't run away from him. In the few hours that Chenle spent with Jisung, he learnt that he was quite the tall introverted dancer.

I've never seen you dance before but damn, you got my heart dancing to a million songs at 2.5x speed when I'm with you

He knows it's cheesy but hey? It's Jisung Park we're talking about here.

I love his voice. I love everything about him. I can't see his flaws. he's perfect, your honor.

"Good morning, Mr Park" Chenle opened his eyes and showed off his beautiful smile.

" Mm yeah good morni- hOLY FUCK ISN'T THIS A DREAM?" Jisung shrieked and tried to escape from Chenle's hold.

"Jisung Park don't swear!" Taeyong's faint voice was heard, followed by what seemed to be Dejun's giggles.

"I think they're all awake" Chenle stretched his arms above his head. "Do you wanna get some breakfast before day 2 of touring the city?"

"Y-yeah sure" Jisung stuttered and scratched his neck awkwardly. He had removed his arms from Chenle's waist the moment he spoke.

"Oh Jisung before that" Chenle called to the tomato coloured younger "I'm your angel huh?"

Jisung didn't know where it came from but he got a sudden burst of confidence and replied with, "You always were, what's the doubt there?" while smirking.

And then it was Chenle's turn to be red.

"tall ass chick" he muttered as he folded his blankets.

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