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Jisung/Chenle thoughts

   "Yangyang I am truly sorry" Jisung kneeled down in front of him and apologized. "Get up you tall chick, I'm not forgiving you. Ever." Yangyang pushed him away and crossed his arms. Xiaojun and Hendery simply watched in amusement as their soon-to-be boyfriend refused to forgive Jisung. Of course. Who would forgive someone who blows up their Minecraft house? Twice? Yangyang wouldn't, that's for sure.

  "Jisung I told you not to destroy Yang's house before you went up the stairs" Chenle chided as he rubbed Yangyang's shoulder to comfort him.

  "I didn't mean to!" Jisung launched himself at Chenle, forcing him into a hug. Gasps were heard around the bedroom. "Am I really seeing this or what?" Hendery whispered loudly to Xiaojun. Did the hater of skinship just initiate a hug? Yes, yes he did.

   "Jisung" Chenle tapped his shoulder. "Jisung you can get off now" "I don't want to" He buried his face in the crook of Chenle's neck. "Can we go to the park now?"

     "Sure but get off" Jisung got off of him and danced around the room, humming to love song by gaycity 127. He really loves gaycity. Hendery, Xiaojun, and Yangyang quietly and quickly exited the room as they didn't want to be left confused by a suddenly extroverted confident Jisung.

    "Are you sure you want to go? We can always go to McDonald's instead" Chenle asked hesitantly. "According to what they've been saying, you don't really seem to have good history with amusement parks"

    "Chenle it's just a park. I'll be fine. Even if I pass out, you'll be there" Jisung stopped humming and smiled softly.

  my heart be goin boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom at 100x speed because of you

I'm sorry for delaying the park trip for 2 chapters but I couldn't find time to watch the Shanghai trip video and write it. I think I'll have it done by this week so kindly wait for my procrastinating dumb a/n ass

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