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                                             "Sunshine I think that's enough apple juice for one night" Mark was trying his best to make Donghyuck put down the bottle. "No, if you won't love me, then this alcohol will love me!" Donghyuck cheered and put his arm around Renjun, who was mumbling something in a different language as he stabbed the couch with a plastic ruler. "Yuta look what you did" Jaehyun sighed and pointed to the giant messy mass of people. "Not my problem. Look at your own boyfriend Jeong." Yuta shrugged. Taeyong was probably the most problematic drunk you've ever seen. One minute he's pole dancing on the gaycity flagpole they kept in the living room, and the next minute he's crying in Taeil's arms, sobbing out the lyrics of 'Because of You'. 

              Jaemin wasn't being a big help to Jeno. The man who got high of coffee was struggling to control himself after a few glasses that made him quite tipsy. Renjun was drunk, he was babbling in Chinese about wanting to stab a watermelon and dancing with Haechan while hyping Taeyong up. Ten was ballroom dancing with a mop while Johnny watched, not knowing whether to stop his drunk boyfriend, or laugh. LuWoo were not drunk, Jungwoo doesn't allow that kind of stuff but they were instead upstairs watching Disney movies, oblivious to the chaos. Now you're probably wondering, "Isn't Jisung a minor? Where is he in all this?". Let me tell you, Jisung Park was the most stressed human being in that room at that time. Why?

            Because, he doesn't know what to do with a passed out Chenle. Chenle had fallen asleep after having two glasses so it was concluded from there that he was a sleepy drunk. Jisung didn't know whether to carry him up or wake him up, since the room was very crowded and loud. It was surprising how Chenle slept through all of it. "Just carry him up Jisung. The staircase area is kind of free now" Hansol smiled pitifully at the younger, who nodded. "Is Kun sober?" He asked, picking Chenle up. "Of course, you think he'd drink when someone he needed a serious talk with was here?" Jisung turned to look at him again before heading through the crowd. "Don't hurt him again. If you do, I swear to Jisoos I will chop your ears off" He smiled sweetly and said. Hansol raised his hands in surrender. "I would never"

                                      Getting Chenle to the bedroom wasn't the problem. He had woken up because of Taeyong's loud sobbing and Taeil's singing. So putting him back to sleep was the problem. He refused to obey anything that Jisung said, prancing around the room and swearing and singing nursery rhymes in his hometown language. "Chenle, baby, sleep. " Jisung pleaded, holding the boy down on the mattress. "Mmmmmmmm, MAKE ME" He screeched and started giggling. Dear google, how do you put your drunk boyfriend to sleep? Google was no help, as usual.

                 Jisung only had the last resort. If google and asking wouldn't do anything, he would have to take matters into his own hands. "Zhong Chenle. I said sleep" Okay, maybe, just maybe, Chenle sobered up a bit and was a teensy weensy bit scared of the fact that Jisung's voice had gone a few octaves deeper and of his authoritative tone. "And if I don't?" Yet he still had the audacity to say that. Jisung's lips brushed against his ear. "You don't have a choice here, angel. It's do or do" And with that, Jisung had successfully pinned his boyfriend down on the mattress. "Good night angel" He put his giant hands around his waist and held him close. Chenle was too comfortable in his embrace to even try and fight back so he let the darkness of the room and the warmth of Jisung lull him to sleep.

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